Chapter 12

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"Took your sweet ass time!," Fives hollered at Raven. "Ugh! What do you want now?," Raven moaned, approaching him. "Shut up and hold this," Fives handed her his helmet before tying up a loose end of a stretcher. "That was pretty good fight," Tai replied. "Yeah. Anyone else all choked up about it?," Raven asked. "Raven. No," Qrow sighed. "Oh it's not that bad!," Tai chuckled. "That Anaconda Faunus should really be careful not to choke on her aspirations," Raven continued. Fives swipes his helmet back and bonks it over Raven's head hard. "Goddamn it, Rae!,"

Raven chuckled but at the same time growling. Her head still hurting from Fives smacking her with a helmet. She looked at him with an evil smile. "You're DEAD!," Raven smiled with an evil glare. She charges at him. Fives grabs her by the shoulder, stopping her, not flinching a bit or looking even remotely scared. Raven was both shocked and confused. Her stare was extremely scary to look at but Fives wasn't even fazed. Fives lifts her up by the shoulder and carried her back a bit before setting a shocked Raven down. "Yeah that's a nice threat you got there," Fives looked at Raven before going to help the Fall Maiden on to the stretcher. "Let's keep moving," Qrow replied. Tai carried the front of the stretcher while Qrow carried the back. Raven was left stunned before following them.

The sun was out. 70 degrees Fahrenheit. A few white puffy clouds loomed overhead. It was one of those perfect days. Birds were whistling. "That was some excellent fighting moves," Tai told Fives. "Especially that tripping move," he nodded. "Oh that? That was nothing," Fives chuckled. "Man for a messy fight like that, the day is sure wonderful," Summer smiled. "Let's hope we don't run into another fight again," Qrow replied. A gunshot could be heard, striking a tree near Qrow. "You and your semblance," Raven looked at Qrow as everyone ducked for cover behind a bush. Fives crawls to the front and peeks up. He could see a rather tall Lion Faunus with his hands up, raised, like he was trying to have peace talks. The humans continued firing at the Faunus group. Comprised of what looked like the White Fang and two officers. One of the gunmen charged towards the Lion Faunus, yelling as he brandished a sword, about to cut the Lion Faunus. Fives charged at the swordsman, shooting at the sword, knocking the blade out of his hand before shooting him in the shoulder, knocking him to the floor.

All the White Faunus turned around to look at Fives as he ran out into the open to carry a wounded White Fang Member. The black uniformed White Fang was about to pull his blade out when he sees Fives carrying a wounded White Fang member. "Quickly! Get him help!," Fives ordered. Two White Fang members pulled their injured comrade as Fives continued firing. "You traitor! You side with the Faunus!," another person shouted. The Lion Faunus growled at what it become. Two races warring it out. He tried again to plead with the humans. "Please! We only wish to travel in peace!," he spoke, hands raised. Two shots were fired, striking his abdomen and shoulder. The Lion Faunus crumpled to the ground, injured. Fives backs away from his cover and ran to pull the faunus to a seating position. The female White Fang Member officer nodded at her subordinate. He nods back and was about to jump when Fives stopped him. "Wait!," he pleaded. "Adam wait!," the Lion Faunus replied. Fives brought his comlink out. "Ahsoka! Take Tai, Rae and Qrow back and pin them down until they surrender. The shooting then stopped. "Already did?," Fives and the other Faunus looked up to see a smiling Ahsoka, with Tai, Qrow, and Raven pointing their weapons at the surrendering shooters. "Yep!," Ahsoka replied.

"Fauns filth!," one female shouted before Qrow pushed her down to her knees. "Keep quiet," Qrow warned as Ahsoka went to help Summer bring the Fall Maiden out. "Thank you all again for helping us," the Lion Faunus nodded at Fives. "Just doing our job. Mr...?," Fives looked up at him.

"Ghira. Ghira Belladonna," Ghira introduced.

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