Capter 10

371 10 2

The sun rose, indicating a new day. The group were on the move again. Albeit, thanks to Fives. Although not in the GAR anymore, he did have some habits like waking up early, much to Team STRQ's dismay. Ahsoka didn't seemed annoyed that she had to wake up early, seeing as she had a habit of waking up early. "Why are we up so early?," Raven asked. "The earlier we're up, the quicker the Fall Maiden could be rescued," Ahsoka replied, sitting with her legs crossed and meditating with her eyes closed. Raven looks at Ahsoka. Damn, look at this girl. Her body is ripped at hell. She must've been through one heck of a war Raven thought. Her eyes ended up fixated on Ahsoka's shoto blade. Specifically the red button. Raven began to outstretch her arm. She was about to push the red button when Ahsoka, not even flinching, grabbed her finger. "Eek!," Raven squealed a bit. "Don't," Ahsoka replied. "Why not?," Raven asked. "Because she said so," Summer corrected. "Oh come on. Just a quick second," Raven whined but Ahsoka squeezed her finger hard. "Ow! Okay! Okay! Uncle!," Raven squealed a bit more. Ahsoka smirked and released her. Raven held her finger.

"So if we're to wake up this damn early, why did we bother to stop during the night?," Raven continued. "It's important to obtain much needed rest before resuming to the mission at hand. Waking up early resolves to many things accomplished," Qrow replied. "Qrow, it's barely 8:30 AM. Can you please tone the nerdiness down?," Tai groaned, still half asleep. "Guys. It's Team STRQ's first mission! Can we please make a good impression and not linger?!," Summer nearly bawled. "Sure thing, "leader"," Raven sarcastically spoke. Qrow shoved her sister with much annoyance. "Don't be a pest," he replied. They began to trundle through the forest and branches.

"I see something," Ahsoka squinted and replied. "That's very helpful," Raven rolls her eyes. She was about to smoke yet another cigarette when Fives took it and smushed it on the ground. What followed next was a lot of swearing and chuckles. "Guys. Shush!," Summer replied, silencing the chatter. "I see a cave....surrounded by Grimm. Ozpin said that we'd find the Fall Maiden in a cave," she whispered to Fives. "How many?," Fives asked. "Too many," Summer continued. "We'll hold this position and let them come to us," Fives ordered. "Sorry Fives. That's not out style. We prefer going to them. Team STRQ. Let's show our guests what we do best," Summer rallied before rushing out. "Oh yeah!," Tai ran after her. "You're on!," Raven chuckled and ran after him. "A tangible test then," Qrow grunted and sprints after his sister. "So much for stealth," Ahsoka chuckled at Fives. "Should we go after them?," Fives asked. "Nah. Let's see what they're made of," Ahsoka replied.

What followed their words were lots of Grimm howling in pain and even hearing Tai and Raven numbering their kills as they picked off the Grimm one by one. "27. I'M 5 KILLS AHEAD OF YOU!," Raven hollered. "That last one doesn't count!," Tai replied as he punched a Beowolf's face so hard it dissipated. Summer then activated her Incognito. The weapon began to extend into a large scythe. Summer chuckled and brought the scythe down on a few Grimm. "Gotcha! Now who's next?," Summer smirked. A Beowolf took one glance at the white-hooded girl. Its' eyes fixated on her. The Beowolf then began to charge towards the unsuspecting girl. A blue bolt was fired, striking the creature. Summer turned around and looked up just in time to see the Beowolf evaporate. She looked down to see Fives holstering his blaster. "That was some show you put on just now," Fives spoke, in. Somewhat of a serious tone. Though it sounded like he wasn't happy. Maybe it was because Summer was being arrogant. "Well we didn't like sitting arou.....wait......did you want me to argue back?," Summer asked.

"Ya caught me," Fives chuckled. "Yes. I wanted to see how much of a leader you are," he nodded. "'re not mad I didn't listen? That I questioned your orders? I mean Ozpin told me to follow your orders," Summer questioned. "Not mad. In fact, I've done this several times," Fives chuckled. "Hey we gonna stand here or get this over with?," Raven interrupted and began advancing towards the cave. "Come on, lighten up a bit, Rae," Fives began. Raven pulls out her signature weapon, Omen and brings it up to Fives's neck. "Rae? Watch what you say, numbers!," Raven growled. Fives took one glance at the blade near his neck. Then he looked at her. "Did anyone ever tell you that you're cute when you're mad?," Fives asked. "Ah!," Raven blushed, now stunned. "See?! Told you!," Tai replied. "You're supposed to be shaking with fear!," Raven spouted out but Fives and Tai weren't wrong. Raven was cute. "Yeah, that's adorable. Wanna keep standing around or find the Fall Maiden?," Fives swipes her blade away like swiping a fly away before moving forward. "Heh!," Tai did the finger gun at Raven. "Wanna give it a go again, blondie?," Raven growled at him before sheathing her blade and following the group. "You are not going after my sister. Don't try it," Qrow replied. "Too late for that, Thunder thighs," Tai remarked.

A light brown girl was on the floor, on her knees and panting. Her staff laid several feet away, broken. "Y'know, the master did say to kill you. She didn't say to not have some fun first," a voice replied. "Hey Tuji, for a Fall Maiden, she was weak as hell," an assassin chuckled. "Why yes. Isn't that a shame?," Tuji smirked. Tuji was a light green skinned individual. Shaved bald like her rival, Took. But instead of having triangle like teeth, she had normal shaped teeth. She wasn't a Crocodile Faunus like Tock. She was an Anaconda Faunus. Tuji kicked the Fall Maiden up. The Fall Maiden stumbled up, her head jolted up so she'd be looking at the rocky ceiling, mixed of dizziness, anger, and exhaustion. Th Fall Maiden then charged at her, ramming Tuji's stomach, sending her to the floor. The Fall Maiden began to pummel Tuji's face with punches after punches. Unfortunately for her, Tuji had used her arms to shield her face against the blows. Tuji released her defense and dodged one punch before smirking. She took the Fall Maiden's wrist and pulled her right arm in, taking her right leg in and wrapping it around and behind her neck. The Fall Maiden tried to pull herself free but her first mistake was that she was on her knees, laying punches after punches. Tuji chuckled and used her left leg to lock the hold on the other side of the Fall Maiden's face. The Fall Madien's chin was now forced into an odd position between her arm and Tuji's hip in a triangle choke. "G..grk!. Let go!," the Fall Maiden growled.

"Dearie, that's not going to happen," another female assassin chuckled. "Once Tuji has're dead," the assassin laughed. "Let me give you a taste of my power, Fall Maiden," Tuji smirked. "Don't!," the Fall Maiden tried to sit up while struggling to get her neck and arm free. Tuji winked and her limbs suddenly snapped. The result was Tuji's inner thighs beginning to crush the Fall Maiden's neck while her legs were pushing her neck and head deeper into the hold..

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