Chapter 1:

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There he was, leaning against his car looking like a model. waiting for someone. I swear he was stalking someone. that someone was me. I never really new him I only went to elementary school with him, but there he was every single day at 2:14 waiting for me I couldn't dare to look him in the eyes. apparently because I made out with him at a party last month we were something. I never went along with it, I always told him to back up and to leave me alone but he never listened. today was the final straw I have had enough so I went up to him I pushed him to the floor pointed my finger into his chest and told him off here's how it went down.
Me: so after all the times I've told you to leave me the fuck alone you're still waiting for me, I told you to stop waiting for me just get out of my life ok😡.
Him: I didn't mean to look like I'm waiting for you I only wanted you to notice me for once and maybe...
Me: maybe what that I would start to like you please I would never like someone as pathetic as you.
And with that he got off the road walked up to me and whispered those words that I still think about it today
Him: if you don't want me I'll make you want me.
With that he got into his car and sped off.....

One last timeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz