Chapter 2

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???: "No need to fear anymore Izuku, you will one day have your revenge, and bestow yourself as the strongest to ever live... now then, Igris, pick him up, and let's go."

As commanded, Igris picked the child up and headed off. After a few minutes of walking deeper into the forest, they arrived at their destination, an old wooden shack.

Timeskip 2 Days

Izuku: "W-where am I... Mom... I couldn't help her it's all my fault." He said as tears began to fall from his eyes before he felt a rather large hand on his shoulder. Looking behind him, he saw the rather tall and scary looking shadow known as Igris.

Izuku: "What in the world are you?" He said, questioning the shadow only to receive no response from it in confusion he began waving his hand in front of Igris in an attempt to see if he was actually a conscious being.

???: "He's a shadow summon." Said a man who seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

Izuku: "Where did you come from? Who are you? Where am I? How did I get here? Why am I here? Did you save me?" He was about to keep asking questions before the man put his hand over his mouth in an attempt to shut him up. He didn't stop, though, He kept talking, though muffled by the hand covering his mouth.

???: "Listen, kid, you're making my head hurt with all these questions, now relax, and I'll get to all that but you can't say a word till I say so, I'm going to remove my hand now, alright..." waiting for a nod from Izuku to make sure he understood, and removing his hand after receiving one.

???: "Alright then, first things first, my name is Sung Jin Woo. You may refer to me as jin."

Jin: "Now as I'm sure you are aware your mother... she was murdered last night by a villain of the name All For One. This man's quirk is quite powerful for one. He has the ability to take another person quirk as his own and even give it to someone else. Only a select few even know of this man's existence, after seeing him kill your mother, the reason he came to your home is likely due to him finding you with a sort of power scale, and you're power awakening most certainly affected it. Think back, when he had you cornered, with nowhere to go, brink of death, what did you feel? What was going through your mind?."

Izuku: "..."

Jin: "*sigh* Now is when you speak." he said, rubbing his forehead.

Izuku: "Oh, sorry, uh, I'm not sure, really... now that I think about it... I felt... anger, I wanted to make him pay, I don't know how I felt these feelings but it felt like something deep within me had finally been awakened, almost as if someone was screaming at me, instructing me what do to, almost controlling me."

Jin: "Good, that voice in your head was me Izuku. You see you and I we have a connection, one like no other, you Izuku are my reincarnation, as such you possess my abilities tenfold, as you grow older and stronger day by day you will begin to notice changes in your appearance. Your hair will darken, you'll grow to taller overnight, your body will have the strongest of muscles, yet you'll feel light as a feather, you'll kinda look like me. That being said, it is my duty to train and guide you along the path you were destined to walk. You see, us shadow monarchs have worked in the shadows for centuries long before the dawn of quirks, though our predecessor was here much longer than I. Now then, Izuku, what is your purpose? What are your goals?"

Izuku: "I... I want revenge, I want to make him pay, I want to destroy him, and everything he has, I will put him in the ground even if it's the last thing I ever do. I want help people, but I want to be a hero, but if it means I can't walk down this path I've built for myself to walk then, screw being a hero, I'll be a hero my own way, I'll protect everyone in the dark. So please, help me, help me destroy All For One."

Jin: "If it is revenge you seek, by the will of the shadow monarch, I will see to it that you get what you want, Izuku shall we begin?"

The boy nodded, and Jin lunged at him, placing his hand onto his face.

Izuku: " Uh, what are you doing?"

Jin: "This."

He said as a purple glow began to appear from his hand, seemingly flowing into Izuku. This caused izuku to go into a deep sleep, almost a sort of hibernation. When he awakes in a week or so, he will not be the same Izuku he was. Just liked Jin warned that the physical changes would start to appear during this sleep.

Unknown Location

Izuku: "Where am I? It's so dark in here that I can barely see anything."

Jin: "Izuku, over here."

Izuku turned to him with a look of confusion on his face still wondering where exactly they are and what the purpose of them being here is but before he could ask, almost as if reading his mind jin answered his question.

Jin: "This Izuku, is the mindscape, kind of a meld of both of ours you have your own and so do I of course, this place will allow to talk to me telepathically, so if ever I'm not with you and you require my help, you can just enter your mindscape and I'll be able to talk to you. Now then, you're obviously wondering why I brought you here and what it was that I did to you, but for now , it doesn't matter. You're here for a history lesson of sorts. You see, time doesn't work the same in here as it does in the real world. This will benefit you when you need to talk with me in a desperate situation, for example. While we're here, I'm gonna show you everything from where it's starts to now. Your perception of what the world is and how it came to be will change completely. Are you ready?

Izuku: "Yes."

To be continued.

Sorry for the massive delay was so unbelievably busy with the holidays I just did not have any spare time

-Secret out

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