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Stella Vermilion Midoriya

Quirk:Hell-Blade; uses her sword to create and manipulate fire (Ex:the temperature)

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Hell-Blade; uses her sword to create and manipulate fire (Ex:the temperature).

Momo Yaoyorozu Midoriya

Quirk:Creation; allows her to create any non-living object or material as long as she knows the molecular structure of whatever she is making

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Creation; allows her to create any non-living object or material as long as she knows the molecular structure of whatever she is making.

Zero-two Midoriya

Quirk:Blood Transformation; by ingesting the blood of another person she can become them and/or use their quirk(Sound familiar

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Blood Transformation; by ingesting the blood of another person she can become them and/or use their quirk
(Sound familiar

Nejire Hado Midoriya

Quirk:Wave Motion; she uses her vitality to create energy that can be released as shockwaves

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Wave Motion; she uses her vitality to create energy that can be released as shockwaves.

Mai Sakurajima Midoriya

Quirk:Memory Manipulation; she can see into others memories as well as alter them and create fake ones

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Memory Manipulation; she can see into others memories as well as alter them and create fake ones.

Erina Nakari Midoriya

Quirk:Rumor; By saying the command phrase she can manipulate others (like Allison in umbrella academy)

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Rumor; By saying the command phrase she can manipulate others (like Allison in umbrella academy)

Nino Nakano Midoriya

Quirk:Force; She repel and attract objects or people, the heavier the object the harder to push (think of pains almighty push and universal pull)

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Force; She repel and attract objects or people, the heavier the object the harder to push (think of pains almighty push and universal pull).

That's all for the harem incase you couldn't tell by the names they do get married to Izuku, i feel it easier to not add anymore as there could be a major lack of character development. He will also have children how many you may ask, I'm not sure let me know of some other children from different shows that could be his children. i already plan to add Eri and possibly Kota.

-Secret out.

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