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Lisa went to the coffee shop the next day fully intending on asking the girl on a date. She was almost to the door when she noticed one of the boys the girl worked with throw coffee beans at her. She could tell the girl was squealing and trying to run away. Lisa almost smiled because she looked so cute.

Then her heart sank as the boy caught up to her, grabbed her by the collar and kissed her. Lisa couldn't watch anymore. She walked away. It was just as well, of course a girl that pretty would have a boyfriend. Lisa had deluded herself into thinking she might also be interested in Lisa.

It was probably for the best anyway. Lisa didn't know what she had been thinking. She was leaving Korea soon anyway. Either to America if she got the call back for Juilliard or she was going back home to Thailand because there was no reason for her to stay in this country anymore once she finished her studies.

She sulked around all day, so much so that her best friend noticed.

"What the hell Lisa? I thought you nailed the audition."

"I did, I think?"

"Then what's wrong?"


"That's super convincing," she said sarcastically.

"It's nothing Chae."


"It's nothing really, I'm just nervous I guess."

The blonde girl didn't look convinced, but she knew she wasn't getting anything out of Lisa that night.


They found out a week later that they had both made it in. They got the call about thirty minutes apart. Chaeyoung got the call first and Lisa had jumped up and down and giggled with her. She had ran to the store right afterwards to buy some soju so they could celebrate. Lisa's phone rang as soon as she walked into their apartment holding a bag full of Soju bottles.

"Oh my god Lisa! Answer it!" The blonde squealed.



"Oh. Okay."


"Yes, sir."


"I can do that by Friday. Absolutely."

Lisa hung up the call as the blonde looked at her expectantly.


Lisa smirked.

"Oh my god you got in! I knew you would!"

Lisa's best friend almost tackled her in excitement.

"Now we just have to figure out how to pay for it," Chaeyoung said a little worriedly. Tuition was super expensive, not to mention the amount of money they had to save up just to be able to fly to America and make the move in the first place.

"No need," Lisa smiled mischievously.

"What do you mean?"

"Remember the winter showcase we did together?"

"How could I forget? You made me partner up with you and then proceeded to make me slave for over a month to give you the perfect original song."

Lisa smirked. "There was a reason for that."

Lisa ran into her room to grab an envelope, she opened it and showed the letter for Rosie to read.

"No way, is this what I think it is?" The blonde was already in tears as she looked up at Lisa.

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