flip the switch

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(Kinda going for karate kid three here but different also later on Daniel will still join cobra Kai also this contains mentions of self harm and a badass y/n)

^^^^^^y/n-san P.O.V^^^^^^
I was angry at myself. So angry i ignored everyone Johnny, Daniel, Ali, Cassia, Freddy, and Mr.Miyagi. i stopped showing up at Training and my body became littered with scars. I looked at myself in my body mirror. "Whats wrong with me?" I muttered as i ran my fingers over the scapping scars. I was all bent out of shape for someone who doesn't love me. I sighed as i put my clothes back on and walked out my apartment. As i walked out I saw Daniel with his arms around Ali. Daniel glanced at me throwing a smile, but i stayed stone cold and walked down the stairs. I wanted to escape californa...maybe run off to my mom...but...she left me in the first place...why would she want me back? I sighed as i walked down the streets and to a place id thought I'd never go....Cobra Kai. I took in a deep breath as i opened the glass door. I stood inside the hot Dojo watching. "fear dose not exist in this Dojo..." Kreese hissed out as he marched around the room till his demon eyes landed on mine. I shivered under his gaze "look class...we have company...Fall in!" Kreese hissed out as he walked to me with Johnny trailing behind. "Whats a girl like you doing here?" kreese said. I looked into his cold eyes "i want to join cobra Kai" i said, those words made me shiver. I saw Johnny's jaw drop as he looked at me "HAH listen class..frail bones here thinks shes cobra kai materiel" Kreese said as he crossed his arms. I growled at his comment and with out thinking i quickly kicked the curve of his leg causing him to fall back "im not frail...ive been through hell and back so try me bitch" i hissed as i staired down at kreese. I was shocked at where my strength came from...must be all my built up anger. Kreese stood up and dusted himself "well kid..ill train you separately...ill see if you got more of that in you...now out...meet me here after class" he hissed out as he pointed to the door. I bowed to him then walked out.

^^^^^Johnny p.o.v^^^^^

I stood there shocked. 1. y/ns joining cobra kai. 2. She just took down Kreese 3. She said shes been though hell and back. I looked up at Kreese. "Sensei i dont think training her is a good idea" I said panicked..this wasnt like Y/n. "You got a problem with who i train Lawrance?" Kreese hissed out leaning close to my face. I shook my head "n-no sensei" i muttered "now warm them up" At Lreeses words i bowed and jogged to the front of the class.

^^^^^^Daniel P.O.V^^^^^^

I was at my Mom's dinner when i saw Y/n walk out of the cobra Kai Dojo. I was confused...why would she be there? Shes wanted nothing to do with anyone in days and nows shes walking out of that Dojo. I was confused. "Daniel you okay?" My mom asked as she walked over to me. I looked at her "im confused" i muttered "talk to me" mom said as she sat in the seat infront of me. I sighed "a good friend of mine...you know her...y/n or as you call her..pretty girl. I just saw her walk out of Cobra kai...you know..the dojo that kicked my ass and the dojo i have to fight in the tournament" I said as i fiddled my thumbs. I heard my mom gasp "but Y/n..shes such a good kid...why would she go there?" Mom said.. I could tell she was shocked and pained by those words "i-i think i have and idea of why...." I said as i looked at my mom. "Tell me" she said as she drumed her fingers on the table. "Well....she had gotten back with Johnny when I started dating Ali...Ali and Johnny kissed at the country club...then the next day...out of impulse..i kissed y/n....and now im back with Ali...shes been angry beyond belief because of what she thinks" i said with a sigh...feeling bad as i spoke. I hated that i had kissed Y/n then got back with Ali. Hell im in love with Y/n...and i regret getting back with Ali when i had a perfect girl...i screwed up. Mom put her hand on my shoulder with a sigh "just talk to her...she'll understand..shes a good kid..just help her Daniel...her aunts told me things so she needs some guidance" mom said. I was more confused then before. "What things?" I asked as i tilted my head. Mom sighed as she looked into my eyes "first....y/n's father died in a car crash on a stormy night..leaving Y/n scared of loud noises and storms..i think...then her mom practically abandoned her here in californa till Cassie found her..and thats only part of what Cassie has told me. Dont say I said anything" mom muttered the last part as she stood and walked off. I sighed and looked outside at the Karate dojo. Y/n...shes...not herself...she would never go there...she hates Cobra Kai. And a few days ago..she yelled..which I've never heard her do and she called Ali a whore. I sighed. I was losing a friend and it was all my fault. I shouldn't have kissed her. But...what mom told me made me think."what else has she been through?" I said out loud as i looked back at the wooden table. I need to find out what's wrong with her...and fast.

(Hehehehe does y/n join Cobra kai? Or will Daniel change her?)

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