Golf N' Stuff

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^^^^^^3rd person P.O.V^^^^^

Y/n sat outside with July. Both of them where waiting on Daniel. Y/n held July close "Y/n...can i ask you something?" July said as she looked up at y/n "sure ask away" Y/n said as she combed her hands through July's black hair. "When is Johnny coming back?" July said as she leaned into y/n's chest. Y/n let out a sigh "hes not coming back July" Y/n saw Julys face fall. Poor girl...she loved her big sisters boyfriend. Then the sound of a creeky door opening made them both jump. Y/n looked up seeing aunt Cassie. "Hey Daniel ain't out yet?" Cassies gruff voice rang out. Y/n shook her head and put July down "ill go get him..." Y/n said as she stood up and slowly walked to apartment 20. Y/n raised her shaking hand to the door and knocked. No answer. she knocked again. Nothing. She went to knock for the third time but the door was pulled open. Y/ns face was mer inches from Daniels, oh how she wanted to lean forward and kiss him on his soft lips. But instead she backed up and looked down "you..uh..ready?" Y/n asked as she looked back at him. Daniel smiled and nodded " your aunt driving us?" He asked looking back at Cassie. "Yeah..she is...sorry" y/n muttered, rocking back and forth on her heels. " lets go!" Cassie said with a cough as she grabbed July's hand and walked down the steps leaving Y/n and Daniel. Daniel looked down at Y/n before she started walking. Daniel followed after her till they both made it to Cassies Van. Daniel and y/n both got in, Daniel sat in the middle seat while y/n and July sat in the vary back. "Oh Cassie...we need to go pick up my girlfriend!" Daniel said. Although Daniel didnt know it...those words hurt Y/n...Ali had took two people she loved from her... Y/n sighed as she looked out the dark window. Cassie drove to Ali's house and picked her up. Ali sat beside Daniel in the van. Y/n shuffled in her seat and looked at Ali. Ali was perfect from her to her toes. How Y/n wished to be Ali. Hurtful thoughts ran through Y/ns head as she watched Ali and Daniel flirt and giggle. Y/n sighed and leaned against the cold glass window. They soon made it to Golf N' Stuff...where Johnny had took Y/n on there first date. "Okay kids out the van..wait is that Robin?" Anut cassie said as Y/n, July, Daniel, and Ali got out the van. Cassie got out as well and waddled to her friend Robin. Y/n held July close as Daniel and Ali got there wrist bands, then July and Y/n got theres. "Well what should we do first?" Daniel said looking at his girlfriend. Ali seemed to think but July spoke "the water rides!" July squeled out. "July...its night time...And we don't have swim wear" y/n choked out "how about golf?" Ali said with a chuckle gripping onto Daniel who said yes with a smile "but...i dont wanna golf" july muttered. Y/n held her sister as they all got there clubs and golf balls. They walked to one of the places and set up the game. "Uh..y/n you can go first" Daniel said with a smile. Y/n nodded, let July go, and put her ball on the Tee already in the ground. Y/n raised her club and swang the club. The ball sored and landed in the hole first time. "Dame y/n didn't know you played golf" Daniel said as Y/n got her ball back. Next was Ali's go. Ali 'struggled' with every thing. Ali looked back at Daniel "im so sorry im horrible at this" Ali said, her feathered honey hair falling perfectly infront of her face. "Here ill help you" Daniel said as he walkes to Ali and stood behind her. Y/n saw Daniel grab Ali's small hands as he pushed himself flush against her. Y/n felt pain in her she wished to be have Daniel as her own. "Come July" Y/n whispered as she put her club down and grabbed her sisters hand and walked off. Y/n was sure Daniel and Ali didn't even know they where gone. "I wanna ride that ride!" July said as she pulled Y/n over to a children's ride. July begged Y/n to let her ride it alone..Y/n soon caved and let her sister on the ride without her. As July rode the ride Y/n looked back to where Daniel and Ali where...she saw the making out. Y/n wanted to be happy for them but her pain grew more and more at the sight of them. She quickly looked away as tears rolled down her face. "Hey.. okay?" She heard a voice behind her say. Y/n turned on her heels only to see the one and only....Johnny Lawrence. Y/n sniffled and wiped her tears "im fine Johnny" her voice came out as a broken choked sob. Johnny knew she was lying. "No.. Princess dont lie to me" Johnny said, his voice going soft. Johnny wrapped his arms around y/n pulling her close to him. Y/n wanted to push Johnny away..but she couldn't, she needed some comfort. Y/n hugged Johnny tightly, sobbing into his chest. Johnny was shocked, he was expecting her to push him away..but she was hugging him. Johnny put his head onto y/n's shoulder whispering her sweet things "Hey...its gonna be okay kitten" "calm here for you" y/n would normally hate his words but this time...they slowly calmed her down. Y/n looked up at Johnny "t-thank you Johnny" y/n muttered as she wiped her eyes "any time kitten" Johnny said with a smile. "JOHNNY!!!" Y/n heard her Little sister yell as she ran from the ride. "July!" Johnny yelled as he bent down and hugged July. "y/n said you wouldnt come back! But you did!" July said with giggles as she let Johnny go "well your sister isnt always right" Johnny said as he playful smacked Y/ns shoulder. A small smile formed on Y/n's lips as she looked over at Johnny...she never would have thought she would be smiling at him...yet here they are. Then Y/n heard a gasp behind her. Y/n swiftly turned and saw her heavy set aunt "Johnny! The one man I didn't expect to see here!" Aunt cassie said with a cough as she looked at Y/n and Johnny. "Oh hey Aunt cassie" Johnny said as he fixed his famous red cobra kai jacket. "Well...anyway I'm am going to take July...and....well...leave you two alone" Cassie said with a smirk as she grabbed July's hand and walked off. Y/ns face flushed red as she looked down. Johnny wrapped his arm around Y/n's waist "well...the family's missed me" Johnny said with a chuckle as Y/n looked up at him "yeah...they did miss you" as Y/n said that they started walking. They played multiple games, and winning tickets..then they got to another game and Y/n saw a small stuffed dolphin in the corner. Johnny saw Y/n looking at the stuffed animal. "You want the Dolphin?" Johnny asked looking down at Y/n who fiddled her thumbs and nodded. "Ill get you that Dolphin" Johnny said as he looked at the person running the game. After two tries...Johnny did win Y/n that stuffed Dolphin. Y/n's eyes lit up as she hugged the Dolphin "thanks bab- Johnny" Y/n said..catching herself..she had almost called Johnny "baby". y/n thought Johnny didn't hear her...but he did, he smiled pulling her close to him "how about we go ride the ferris wheel?" Johnny whispered in Y/n's ear. Without thinking Y/n quickly nodded and grabbed Johnny's hand and pulled him to the Ferris wheel. Johnny smiled as he interlocked his fingers with Y/n's. They stood in line for the Ferris wheel...and y/n didnt seem to notice that she..was holding Johnnys hand. Soon they got into one of the passenger carts on the wheel...then soon the ride started. Y/n and Johnny talked as they went up and up...till they stopped the first time about mid way up the wheel. "Y/ sorry about everything...ya know..with Ali..." Johnny said as he took Y/n's hand in his. Y/n looked at their intertwined hands then into Johnny's soft ocean eyes. "Its....okay Johnny" y/n said..keeping her eyes locked onto Johnny's. Y/n felt herself moving closer to Johnny as the ride started again. Johnny's eyes scanned Y/n's face. He wanted to kiss her..but he knew he shouldn't. They soon got to the top of the Ferris wheel. Y/n eyes drifted from Johnny's eyes to his lips. Y/n slowly leaned closer to Johnny. Then they where mer inches from each other...then...there lips connected. Y/n felt sparks go off in her stomach, as she put her Stuffed Dolphin down next to her and wrapped her arms around Johnny's neck. Johnny put his hand on the back of Y/n's head pulling her closer deeping the kiss. Y/n didnt want this moment to end even though there was a part of her telling her that this was wrong but she loved the feeling of his rough lips agaisnt hers. They pulled away as the ride started again. Y/n leaned her head on Johnny's shoulder as the ride took them down to the ground again.  They got off the ride as Y/n grabbed her stuffed Dolphin and Johnny's hand. "So...are we a thing again?" Johnny asked as he and y/n walked around. "Uh..yeah...we are" Y/n said with a smile. Then a cold gust of wind blew at them. Y/n shivered slightly and Johnny noticed..even after the gust of wind she still shivered. Johnny took his red cobra kai jacket off "here" he said as he held the jacket out to her "but Jon-" "put it on..your cold" he said. y/n sighed, giving in she handed johnny her Dolphin and put his jacket on. Y/n took her Dolphin back and held Johnny's hand. "y/n!" Y/n heard Aunt Cassies voice yell out. Y/n looked ahead of her and saw Cassie..but not July "Hey..auntie" Y/n said as she let go of Johnny's hand "lets go..july, Daniel and his girlfriend are waiting" Cassie said as she started waddling off. Y/n looked at Johnny and stood up on her tippy toes and kissed him again. Johnny wrapped his arms around her waist then pulled away "bye bye princess" Johnny said as he let y/n go. "Bye Johnny" y/n said with a smile as she skipped off forgetting her had Johnny's jacket. Y/n made it to Cassies Van and got in the back seat..little did she know Daniel had saw her kiss Johnny and Daniel saw what jacket she was wearing. Even though Daniel loved Ali...he couldnt help but feel jealous...............

(Holy lord this chapter was LONGGGGGGG BUT...its worth it UwU so...Y/n's back with Johnny and now....Daniel feels jealous heheheheheh )

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