Chapter 41- Birds

Start from the beginning

Hora's walking stopped, the Calling Card in both hands and held close to her chest as she looked away from it and back ahead, dark blue eyes glinting in the quickly deepening night all around as she stood there, only half a dozen feet away from the edge of what Icy Wasteland she'd brought to life, and had been persistent in remaining there even while her life was nearly lost.

Shit, was I really so worked up that I walked all the way out here without even realizing it...?

She turned slightly, casting a glance over her shoulder toward the tall figure of the Palace behind her, glittering in the darkening light.

Damn it... I didn't mean to go this far... I hope Rogue and everybody else aren't trying to look for me where I'm not.

She turned away from the Palace and cast another look at the Calling Card, her shoulders sinking heavily.

They'd told her not to worry about worrying them, and focus on herself, but even then that didn't stop her stomach from churning a little for the thought they might be looking for her, and possibly freaking out. Or even how annoyed and panicked they would get to realize how far she had gone at all... I mean they weren't even really thrilled with me going out shopping, and that was when I had a bunch of people around to keep an eye on me. As opposed to now, where I am totally by myself, super far away, and in the dark.

She sighed, her shoulders sinking a little further as her gaze trailed up off the card and back to that defined split ahead of her- the stone cut clean by shimmering ice and glowing ember in a distinct line that separated what it was supposed to be, from what she had turned it into.

All alone, super far away in the dark... and right here.

Her eyes narrowed slightly, chewing on the insides of her cheeks as her eyes left the start of the Wasteland and lift above the surrounding buildings, tracing along the looming tower of Ice and statue of Callan still standing tall further in, purple and pink light from the dying sun sparkling against the sheer surface.

... Why the hell did my feet unconsciously take me here of all places..?

She grumbled a bit under her breath, looking away from the Dragon high above and shifting focus to the Calling Card again. For a brief moment she considered using it to call and tell everyone else where she was, to spare them that likely freak out they'd have when they tried to find her at the Palace and couldn't... but she hesitated.

She'd wanted to be alone, and while she loved them with all her heart- Sting had been right. Everybody fussing over her and hovering had been wearing on her nerves, even if she didn't admit it or show it outwardly. And right then she really didn't wanna be hovered over more, she didn't think her nerves could handle it- she was still on edge, even after having calmed down enough to make sense of where she was finally. So, she shook her head at herself and tucked the Calling Card away in one of the pockets sewed into the skirt of the dress she was wearing.

But she ended up hesitating further after that, her attention casting up the street toward the ice and fire alike, quiet in her spot and brooding... before she forced herself a sigh that sounded more like a huff, and started walking again. She made her way straight up the street and passed what line of Runes the Magic Council had painted on the perimeter to warn people to stay out, uncaring of the faint glow they gave off as she walked through, and only heading deeper into the deadly quiet of the Ice and Ember-ridden wastes. She walked slowly, yet deliberately, careful not to slip or trip on anything as she turned her sights on that looming tower of hanging over everything, winding her way through streets and eventually toward where the base of it stood.

"... Lixue, you said I had to undo this myself, or it'd never go away right?" Hora murmured softly after turning a corner, her voice bouncing eerily off the elements and the sheer silence.

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