Passing out (27)

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Ash slammed the back door behind him and stumbled through the parking lot. This was his end. He leaped at the side of the building, grabbing hold of the roof edge. Pain shot through his leg. Fuck.

"Caprice!" His pursuer yelled. "It's useless running from us!" He pulled himself onto the roof and stood, panting, staring down into the barrels of the guns pointed at him. He'd lost.

"You won't kill me." He chuckled, wincing as he shifted his weight. "You need me alive." He couldn't make it much longer. He was stalling at this point.

"Come on, hero. Make it easier on yourself. We know you're injured." Ash squinted. "Our healers will get you back in shape. Come down, yeah?"

"Then what?" The man shrugged. "Then what'll happen?"

"We're only hunters. Once we deliver, you're out of our hands."

Who the fuck are you?"

"Like I said." He signaled to the man on his right. Ash expected blinding pain. He expected to fall backward onto the roof, the dark, cloudy sky being the last thing he saw.

No. The dart hit his left arm and his stance wavered. He blinked. Everything on the left side of his body froze. He stumbled backward and fell to his knees, fingers shaking. No.. no this wasn't supposed to be how- He could hear laughing from below. He fell on his side, his bad leg hitting the roof. He didn't feel it. No. No this couldn't- he tried to move. To roll over. He gasped. He could barely breathe.

"Well, that was easier than expected." The hunters climbed the building with ease, surrounding him. Gloved hands pulled him up and the masked man examined him, holding his head up by the chin. He wanted to scream. He wanted to rip his arms free, at least tell them he could walk on his own. He couldn't make a sound.

A hand pried open his lips and a cloth gag was forced between his teeth. It was tied tightly around the back of his head. Ash narrowed his eyes and the man nodded, content. His head was released.

It took all of Ash's energy to lift it again. His eyes were drooping. He couldn't keep them open much longer. Even then, he was much more comfortable with them closed.

"How much for this one, boss?" Stay awake. Stay awake, Ash. His muscles were out of his control. He felt himself floating. The voices of his kidnappers echoed far away. Stay..

"Twelve million. I honestly can't see why."

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