Tears, (blind) rage (9)

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"Let me tell you something, Caprice." He grabbed Ash by the collar of his sweatshirt. "Let me tell you something."

"Emilio please..."

"Do you know who I am? Do you know why I do what I do, why I'm your villain?"


"You heroes have it easy. You don't have to worry about anything except your public image. I bet you've never had a second thought about us."

"Emili-" Ash broke out into a coughing fit. "What are you talking about?"

"I work my ass off every day in fear of falling short of my collectors' standards. Of course, if I do, my sister pays the price." He chuckled. "I kill them painlessly. I kill them painlessly but I'm still a serial killer. Its a battle for life and death out there and you, you, Caprice, your biggest worry is scheduling interviews!" He slammed the backboard. "You have everything handed to you on a silver platter and I fight for scraps in the street. Why haven't any of you so-called heroes came for me? For the thousands of other people in my situation, in situations worse than mine? Where have you been all this time?" Emilio blinked away tears and continued. "Where was my hero? When I needed one, where was he?" He scoffed and shook his head. "Thats right. You wouldn't dare get involved with petty discourse among the lower class, would you. Ruin your reputation? Would you be considered weak for it? For helping someone out? Isn't that what you heroes are for?"

"That- that's not it at-"

It is! It is, Caprice! You heroes are too soft for the real world!" He pushed Ash down and shook him. "You don't know what its like!" He sobbed and collapsed on Ash's chest, nails digging into his sweatshirt. Ash swallowed and wrapped his arms around his villain, taking a shaky breath.

"You just had to ask..." Ash whispered, unable to speak any louder. He took one of Emilio's hands and gripped it tightly. "Drop me off.."

"Damn you, Ash." he pushed off the boy and wiped his eyes.


"You don't need to say anything, Ash." Emilio turned away and pulled out his phone. "Lets go."

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