Definitely just a cold (8)

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Ash woke up with tissues shoved up his nose. He was wearing a face mask and the sliding balcony door was open.


"If you're sick, I'm killing you." Emilio sat on the balcony reading.

"Guess you're gonna have to kill me then..." it took almost all of Ash's strength to prop himself up on the backboard. His stomach lurched.

"I got you some soup from across the street. With a straw and everything." He ignored Ash's comment and sure enough, a cup of soup sat on the desk beside his bed.

"I really think you should take me to the hospital."

"I'm not doing that, Ash."

"They'll treat my leg properly, Em.. why aren't you letting me-"

"Ash," Emilio took a deep breath. "Not now."

"Take me to the hospital, Emilio!"

"I don't have the money for that, all right?" Emilio stood, slamming the handrails of the chair. His book fell to the concrete. "I'm already in debt enough as is. I can treat you just fine." Ash bit his lip.


"When did you start calling me that? Did you forget?"


"I'm your villain and you're bedridden in my hotel room!" He spun around and stalked back inside, slamming the sliding door. "Ash- no- Caprice, you hunt me down with all your being while I scramble to survive in a city that frankly, isn't very easy to live in for people like us." He shut the curtains with a flourish, leaving them both in the dark. "Caprice, what a heroic name."

"Emilio.. don't-"

"Irrational. Unpredictable." He approached the bed. "Its not far from the truth."


"Don't call me that." He paused. "Willfulness." I can see that in you. I mean look at you. Still holding on."

"Its.. just a cold..."

"Let me tell you something, Caprice." He grabbed Ash by the collar of his sweatshirt. "Let me tell you something."

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