"Pinot Noir," he said as he read the label.

"Can I see the note card?" Katherine asked him and he immediately obliged.

When she first moved into the flat as Harrison's housekeeper, she noticed little note cards next to each and every bottle in that room with their own individual specs written on them in perfect penmanship. She always wondered who it was who had the patience to do something so elaborate and tedious.

"Who took the time to research every bottle in here and write out all these note cards?" She asked as she looked down at the card to read the title of the wine — Casas Del Bosque Reserva.

"Miss Novikov," Harrison said simply.

"Who is Miss Novikov?" Katherine asked as her vision quickly snapped to his. She hadn't heard that name before and immediately wondered what other women had been in and out of this penthouse before her.

"My previous housekeeper."

"I'm your previous housekeeper," she quipped with a teasing smile.

"You know what I mean," he told her evenly, the side of his lips barely turning up into the tiniest of smirks.

"What was her name?" Katherine asked curiously. She had only ever heard him talk about his previous housekeeper once before, on the day he took her out to lunch after her father's hearing all those months ago.

"I believe it was Helena," he replied as he opened a hidden sliding door in the wall to retrieve a small wooden wine box that the Pinot Noir would fit perfectly in.

"You believe?" She questioned with a cock of her eyebrow. The woman worked for him for three years and he believed her name was Helena?

"It was Helena."

"How old was she?"

"Why?" He asked, sending her a questioning look.


"In her late twenties," he relayed as he finished putting the bottle of wine in the box.


"What?" He asked, regarding her carefully.

"Blonde or brunette?"

"Mon ange," Harrison said with a facetious smirk turning up his lips, "Are you jealous?"

"No," she lied.

Harrison's smirk turned into a satisfied smile, causing her to roll her eyes because she knew that he knew that she was full of shit.

"Like I've told you before, she was nowhere near as alluring as you," Harrison reiterated, "But if you must know, she was brunette."

"Hmm," Katherine hummed, biting back a smile.

"Does that please you?"

"What? That she was brunette?" She asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Yes, angel."

"Maybe," she said with a miniscule shrug of her shoulders, "I like to think maybe blonde is your type."

"Katherine," he said, his eyes darkening with lust as he looked at her, "My only 'type' is you."

She wasn't able to hold back her smile, but she tried to hide it as she looked down at the note card in her hand.

"She must have had a lot of time on her hands. I feel like I need to step up my game around here," Katherine told him, quickly changing the subject before it led to them heading back to the bedroom for a quickie.

Always A Pleasure [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now