"What's going on?"

"We need to go to work"

"Crap the kids"

He practically leaps out of bed and Jac laughs at him frantically dressing in his makeshift pyjamas before bolting out of the bedroom.


"You're back quick"

She rolls her eyes as she sat in bed watching the TV he had in there, he sits on the edge of the bed and smirks at her.

"What's got you looking like that?"

"Evie got the kids off to school for me which means you can escape from the confinements of my bedroom"

"Good because we are running very late for work and I need to go home and get a new pair of clothes"


She looked at him with a look of confusion as if it was obvious, she did not want to be the talk of the ward by turning up in yesterday's clothes, that was not happening.

"Because I'm not turning up to work in yesterday's clothes"

"Shame, you could have shared a shower with me"

"Dont tempt me, Fletcher"


Jac headed off home to change before darting frantically to the hospital for her shift grumpy because she didnt even have time for her morning coffee. When she got in Nicky was doing some pre-op tests for the day ahead and she sighed at the thought of being stuck in an operating theatre all day.

"This is for you"

"Um, thanks?"

Jac eyed up her mentee and Nicky bit her lip, she sensed something was up so she sighed and gestured for her to continue.

"It's from Fletch"


"The man was at your deathbed, cut him some slack. Post-it note on the side"

With that Nicky left and Jac smiled at the post-it note on the coffee telling her that she shouldn't rush out of his sight before he had a chance to give her a coffee that morning.


"Uh, what are you doing?"

He looks at her as she drags him into the store cupboard, she kisses him softly on the lips and hooks her arms around his neck.

"I've been on the phone to Jonny"

"I dont see what this has to do with me"

"It has everything to do with you"

She smirks slightly, one of her hands going to rest on his chest and he kisses her on the forehead.

"Do you want to know why it has everything to do with you, Adrian?"

"I'm sure you will tell me, Jacqueline"

She lets that slide because she was just so happy, it was a settling and safe feeling that she had brewing in her body.

"Jonny's coming back to Holby tomorrow so I thought we could tell the kids"

"What's changed your mind?"

"I'm happy and I know you're happy too and I want to share that with the kids as it went so well with the teenagers"

"Well, I'll be there"

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