"THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT RIGHT!" "No it doesn't, but execution is better then prison, you can escape there." I continued. "I- FUCKER!" "Moon c-c-calm down-" "SHUT UP SUN! YOU GUYS CAN'T EVEN BREAK A FUCKING DOOR DOWN!!" Everything went quiet. "We need to go." Y/n said. "Sunshine please do-" "STARLIGHT DON'T YOU DA-" She ended the call and turned it onto silent. With a sigh we went back to the tents, the leader slipped out. "Oh hi! Who are you two?" He asked instantly. "We're just casual performers, we were looking for you actually." Y/n beamed through her mask. "Oh, what for darling~?" He cooed revoltingly. "We're looking for a job, are you taking on by chance?" "Why yes I am! Come, come through to my quarters!" With that he led us off, through crowds of happy children, through a slimy tunnel of fear.

~The Ring Leader's Point Of View~

'Ah yes, new flies caught in my beautiful, never ending web.. I do hope I get to see what's under that facepaint, and that mask... Even underneath that clothing~' Through noisy crowds we surged, like eels we traveled through dangerous waters. But we were fearless, so far that is. My newest of crew or soon to be, would soon be quaking in their pointy shoes, begging for mercy... A small calm laugh slipped from my lips as we entered my sanctuary, my beautiful separate tent that was filled with contracts and secrets. I led them to my bright blue desk, they sat down on two chairs in front whilst I went behind it and grabbed two contracts. "Sign these and the world is your stage..~" I cooed convincingly. But the masked clown seemed to glare up at me with a strange emotion. "No interview?" 'She' asked quietly. "No, we run you on a test faze first usually, but you two look perfect and so befitting, so I thought we'd skip that part..." The other clowns hand moved onto the masked ones lap.

"I see..." The two clowns sat in silence, reading over the contract, although the face painted one seemed to be skimming its contract, frowning at some words. But then it seemed to notice something at the bottom, it pulled its face closer to the paper for a better look. "These terms you have are odd..." It mumbled with what sounded like a small growl. "They are necessary." Was all I replied with. The other one stood up and placed the contract down. "I decline, this doesn't look right." The masculine clown did the same and pushed its chair in. "I'm afraid I too, cannot accept these terms, especially the words at the bottom." The masked one nodded. "We're sorry for wasting your time, we will be off now. Have a good day." They turned around, the second leaving their seat out which was quite rude..

"WAIT-!" They.. They ignored me, just... Straight up ignored me and left the tent. Up I stumbled and ran after them, but they had already disappeared into the crowd. It was too late... 'No, it couldn't be though right? All I'd have to do is phone the police, I could get them to search for them, say they committed a crime or did something destructive! I must have them, I MUST NOT LET THEM TELL ANYO-' A metal pipe suddenly collided with my head, causing me to fall onto the muddy floor. The last thing I bore witness to was a white gloved hand, stained with red. "Sleep my child... Don't say a word..." A quite growl said, and with another hit I had finally collapsed.


My eyes opened slowly, revealing a dim lit room filled with candles and robotic parts. A small, evil giggle sounded from behind me, I tried to turn around, only to find I was tied to a chair. I then attempted to speak, but my mouth had been gagged, I thrashed about in the chair, only to painfully fall onto my side. "Now, now pet.. We don't want you hurting yourself further do we..?" Came the quiet, sly female voice. My chair was picked up and my gag removed, the first thing I did was scream. "WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH M-" A rag quickly replaced it, the holder breathing down my neck. "Hush... I don't want to hurt my little pet... But I also can't have you screaming..~" Tears pricked my eyes and I tried to push the rag out of my mouth with my tongue, leaving a bitter sweet taste. The female laughed again. "So weak, So frail, So... Repulsively stupid.." She growled, voice deep like Satan himself. "You, hand me the knife, I want to rid him of his tongue." I screamed and thrashed about wildly.

Loud footsteps came near me and the rag was removed, my kidnapper finally showed their face. Or, should I say, their mask... "Y-you.." I whispered, she giggled and nodded. "Oh yes! My sinful little dear! I was thinking you'd forgotten about me with all the blood you lost. I gave it a taste test, it tasted revolting, unleashed all of your little sins... Nevertheless it still got put to good use, now then, open up that dainty little mouth of yours kitten, it will only hurt a bit..~" I held my lips closed tighter in fear, refusing to give into the insanity. Her left hand came close and gripped my nose, I still didn't open my mouth, knowing well I was going blue. But then she let go as my sight started to go black. Without thinking I gasped for air, only to have a hand shoved into my mouth, my tongue gripped harshly.

Tears started to pour down my cheeks, the knife slowly sliced through my flesh, burning my tongue and causing it to throb in agony. The pain was too much to bare, and I found myself once again slipping into the darkness. This was only the beginning..

(1867 words)

{DISCONTINUED}My Darling Clowns  (Fnaf Sun/Moon x  Fem!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now