Chapter 7

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(1913 words)

"It's okay.." I said to myself repeatedly as I left Sun alone, I heard the door lock. Through the kitchen to the other side of the house, a large metal door stood in front of me, heavy with locks. "The test will be fine calm down.." I reassured myself, or tried to at least as I hyper ventilated. "Little bitch, they'll only hurt you if they see me~" Afton cooed in my ear. "Well fuck you, and fuck off because if you even think about it-" "You'll play that damn song repeatedly till I try to kill you." "Precisely, look who's the little bitch now huh~?" He groaned then shut up as I unlocked the door, only to relock it once I entered. I picked up some tools that were on a table as I entered, and went round a corner, passing loads of deactivated animatronics from past locations. A lot of them were in good condition, a few not so much.. That was okay though, it took me a lot of money to get all of them, and I would restore them, reset them, and make them overall fit to perform again.

I entered another metal door, locking myself in firmly. There was a very thick layer of bullet proof glass in front of me and a large control module, full of different buttons and such. I looked at them with glee, pressing a bright blue one. "Ella, please get me Freddy Fazbear" A large, shiny metal claw left the metal room before me and grabbed Freddy, bringing him in and locking the door with a tiny claw. "Ella, please power Freddy on." "Of course master!" Came a gleeful female voice. "Good, now Freddy, we are going to run some tests on you, if you get good results we can let you perform again with new dialogue, free roam, and of course you'll be able to talk normally and take song requests."

Freddy opened his eyes and looked at me, I pulled a stool out from under the controls and sat on it. "Test one. Sound response check." I clicked record on a small device. "Okay, both speakers should be placed on either side of the animatronic. Playing sound in 3, 2, 1." I pressed on a button, and a horrid sound started playing, whilst it did this I got same paper out and a pen to make notes. The sound finished. "The animatronic should now be looking left." I wrote down the response, he was looking left. The same thing happened for the right, then for when he looked forward the sound played on both speakers. I stopped the recording. "Perfect results, well done Mr Fazbear," The next test was facial recognition, I showed him cards of criminals and innocents, his results were perfect for that as well. I pressed the blue button again. "Ella, please put Freddy into animatronic mode and hook him up to the control unit."

Ella complied, things were going smoothly. "Alright, starting diagnostics test in 3,2,1." First came the torso, then the eyes and eyelids, then the jaw, the head, the legs, the arms, the fingers, the ears. Everything again went smoothly and I made my notes. "Well done, Freddy. I'm proud of you." I pressed the blue button for the last time. "My experiment has finished, please shut Freddy down and put him back where he was." "As you wish master!" "Thank you Ella, you'll have a body soon, I brought two endos home." She let out and excited gasp. "Thank you mistress!" I laughed. "That's okay Ella, get some rest, we have more work to do tomorrow." "Of course Ma'am!" With that she shut down and I left the control room with my results, hurrying to the exit and unlocking and locking everything back up. 

I then proceeded to run back to the living room. "8387" Was all I said. The door opened and I smiled at Sundrop, he locked the door behind us. "Everything went well, I have more to do tomorrow, but for now let us relax." I said calmly, looking over at the tv to find him watching SpongeBob. 'Cute.' "Okay, I'm glad you're alright, can you please explain what made you so worried though?" He asked, leading me over to the sofa to sit with him. "I had to run some tests on something in the back, its possible for it to go haywire and attack so everything  is firmly under lock and key." "Alright.. So, do you mean you have more animatronics here?" His voice contained doubt and fear. "Yes you clever thing, lots of them. I'm terrified of dying by some of them, I had to remove certain design choices, corpses too." He flinched. "C-corpses?" My legs swung back and forth. "Oh yes, Afton adored his animatronics he used souls, or remnant as we call it to run tests on them, he had to kill people in order to get the remnant, not all of them were children though, fucker killed my dad." I said this all calmly, eyes focused on the cartoon.

{DISCONTINUED}My Darling Clowns  (Fnaf Sun/Moon x  Fem!Reader) Where stories live. Discover now