Late night walks...

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Hello hello I'm sorry for being unactive but here I am. School is stressing me out, I tried my best to make a chapter.

Please give me some inspiration :)

Anyways enjoy

Dream tried to go out for a walk every day if he had time. Just to take his mind off al his work and stress. It was something that made him calm. Just walking in the woods, listening to the wind.

And again he was walking in the woods, was 8 pm. The sun was setting, in 30 minutes it would be dark. He  was really busy so he decided to walk at 8pm instead of 7pm.

He walked for 10 minutes, calmly. Not running, just listening to the sounds the trees made. Until he heard some sound, they sounded like voices?!

"LEAVE ME ALONE" a voice screamed, it sounded like a boy who was crying and screaming at the same time? Who maybe was 20, 25 years old?

"GO AWAY" the boy screamed again.

Dream decided to take a look. Maybe someone was in danger. He took his phone out of his pocket and turned on the flashlight.

"Hello, is there someone here?" He shouted.

He heard footsteps. He heard the sounds of branches breaking.

He walked closer to the sounds. In the distance he saw the light of a flashlight.

He walked even closer until he heard another voice.


Maybe that boy was kidnapped or something? Dream thought.

He walked for a few minutes with his flashlight until he saw a bench in the middle of the woods.

On the bench sat a boy, shaking. Covered in sweat, tears, cuts from all the branches and bruises.

"Hey are you okay?" Dream said as he walked closer.

"That man kidnapped me. Please take me home with you please" the boy pleaded.

"Okay let's go, be quiet so he won't hear us. My car is 15 minutes away from here" Dream said.

Dream's pov

We walked for 5 minutes until we heard the man again:


The boy flinched, I think his name was George. He started crying.

"It's okay, it's okay. Take a deep breath, we're almost there okay?"

The boy nodded, grabbed my arm and we walked to the car.

"There we are, go get in the car", I said calmly. The boy got in, I closed his door, went to the drivers side and began to drive.

"My name is Clay btw"

"My name is George" the boy said. I want to know more. But how could I ask it without scaring him?

"Hey you don't have to tell it but who was that man and why were you in the woods this late?"

The boy took a deep breathe and began to talk: "I never felt safe in my family so I walked away. A weird man began to stalk me. A few hours later he grabbed me and well took me home. He kept me for a long time, no food and only one small glass of water a day. He took me to the woods today to punch me or whatever but I ran away".

"Oh my god". I was speechless. This boy was kidnapped?!

"Are you okay if I take you to my house? You have a lot of bruises and wounds al over your arms and legs".

"It's fine".

Back at Dream's house

"Do you want something to drink?"

"Can I rest somewhere please, and yes a drink is fine" the boy said as his eyes filled with tears.

"Hey hey it's fine your safe here now okay. I'll grab you some water and some food and you can sleep in my bed".

"Thank you so much" the boy said. I walked up to him and gave him a hug.

The boy stayed with Dream for a few weeks until he trusted Dream enough to tell him everything that happend to him. The boys became best friends. 6 months after the accident the two boys became a couple.

"I love you Clay"

"I love you George"

I don't have anything to say so have a great night/day<3

721 words

mcyt oneshots as always:))Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora