Long days

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Hi everyone, another story. I'm trying to make longer story's but I'm really busy with school. Request are welcome! Okay enjoy:)

George had a really busy week, he couldn't handle it. Dream wasn't that busy, but still wasn't home all day. All George wanted was some rest. But no: He woke up at 8 am to eat some breakfast. Started editing, ate some lunch, brainstormed for new ideas and worked on some plans, had dinner and had to upload a video. And that through the whole week.

"Okay I'm home at 6 okay?" Dream asked when they were eating breakfast together, Dream standing up to give George a kiss on his cheek and putting on his shoes. "Okay, see you tonight" George said. He was a bit sad that Dream was leaving again. He was stressed out and wanted some free time with his boyfriend instead of working all day.

When Dream left, George put the plates in the dishwasher and got to his filming room. He started editing for 3 hours and got a bit of rest while lunch brake and watched a movie for 20 minutes. Cleaned everything and returned to his work again.

He couldn't concentrate anymore. Trying to get back to work but he was too tired. "C'mon George get back to work, you can do it" he said to himself. His eyes getting glossy. He rested his elbows on the desk and started crying. He saw that it was 3 pm. The had so much work left, but he couldn't. He just cried and zoned out. He fell asleep on his desk.

He woke up 2 hours later, and looked at his phone phone, It was 5:30. He felt so miserable as his eyes filled with tears. Too tired to do anything. He heard the front door opening. Knowing it was Dream.

"Baby I'm home" he yelled from downstairs. "Baby?" Normally George would always be really happy that Dream was home, running downstairs into his arms. He was happy that Dream was home tho, but it was different. Dream got upstairs into George his filming room. Seeing George his eyes, his red cheeks. He looked exhausted.

"Hey are you okay George?" Dream rubbed George's back. George immediately started sobbing. "It's all too much, I don't have any free time. With you" He cried. "Shh George it's okay, you had a busy week. What about you go and take a bath. Maybe it will calm you hm?" Dream said calmly. Dream helped George into the bath. Getting a suprise ready for him.

Dream grabed a chair. "Why is there a chair here?" George chuckled. "One sec and you'll find out" Dream went into his filming room and got his guitar. What George didn't knew is that Dream was practicing a song on his gituar for George: Say you won't let go from James Arhur.

Dream got back into the bathroom with his guitar, and he sat on the chair. "Okay so I have something for you" Dream said, a bit nervous. "Go for it" George said smiling.

"Okay here we go" Dream said to himself. And he began

I met you in the dark, you lit me up. You made me feel as though I was enough. We danced the night away, we drank too much. I held your hair back when you were throwing up.

"Okay this is it, it's not long I know but-" Dream got cut off by a kiss from George. His eyes glossy again, but this time from happyness. "It was beautiful Dream" George said. "Thank you" Dream smiled. "Do you need help with washing your body?" Dream asked. "No, it's okay, I'll be in our room when I'm done".

Dream left the bathroom and got into there bedroom. The made the bed and looked for a movie to watch when George was done. Dream knew that he was tired, so it wouldn't take long for George to fall asleep.

After around 10 minutes George walking into the room. He saw Dream laying in bed, he smiled and layed next to Dream. "Thank you for everything Dream". Dream smiled: "no problem baby, it's weekend. Take your rest" soon George fell asleep. Not really long after that, Dream fell asleep too.
Hope you liked it, have a great day, stay hydrated and remember that you are loved. Bye bye <3 :)

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