All About the Angle

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The next 2 weeks were the worst of Eric's life. Becky has been wearing nothing but lingerie around the house and making him sleep on the couch and not even touch her. No hugs, no kisses, no ass slapping anything. Becky has been enjoying the teasing she has got to do with him but she does miss laying next to Eric every night.

The day his "suspension" is up, management decided to film a brawl segment for Eric and Brock. Basically it was going to be Brock/Undertaker level brawl and Becky will then cut a promo with Paul demanding that Brock pay for his actions for once.

The 2 of them arrive at the arena, Eric all over Becky now that his suspension is over and his punishment with her is now over. They head to the locker room and Becky gets settled in and there's a knock on their door and it's some producers and Brock himself so they can set up for the brawl

Brock: "Good to see you man" he says fist bumping him

Over the 2 week hiatus, Eric and Brock had gotten each other's numbers and been talking back and forth, turns out they had a lot more in common than they thought, Brock even offered to have him come up during hunting season and they can hunt and he can make his own meat out of what they get.

Becky: "Nice to see you two getting along" she says saying hi to Brock

The 3 of them heading to where they need to be, Becky is going to be coming in at the very end to try and get the 2 of them apart and they film the segment. It came out great and it is going to air at the start of the show before Becky comes out and the couple heads to the locker room to wait for the show to start. Eric gets a good picture of Becky for her to send out before the show starts

Becky gets the notification that WWE just posted the video of the fight so she goes to her Instagram and posts the photo

Becky gets the notification that WWE just posted the video of the fight so she goes to her Instagram and posts the photo

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@beckylynchwwe: Time to end this @paulheyman

The 2 of them head to gorilla, Eric won't be joining Becky in the ring to sell the beating and they meet Brock and Paul, shaking his hand as Becky's music plays and she comes out super serious, not even doing her entrance just making a bee line for the ring. Putting her titles down in the corner and snatching a microphone from the stage hand

Becky: "Enough of this bickering, enough of this Dick measuring, enough is enough! PAUL, GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" She says turning to the ramp and waits for him to come out from the curtain

He slowly creeps from behind the curtain, microphone in hand

Paul: "Now Ms Lynch, it wouldn't be very smart of me to go down to the ring with you seeing how angry you are and seeing how your bodyguard decided to send my beast to the hospital"

Becky: "If you don't come to this ring right now Paul, I'm gonna take your head and shove it so far up your own arse you won't know which way to fart and which way to sneeze"

Paul gets a pep in his step and makes his way to the ring. Sure he is Brock's advocate but even he knows better than to be on the wrong side of Becky Lynch. He slowly gets in the ring and adjusts his suit.

*DISCONTINUED* The Man's Bodyguard (Becky Lynch X OC)Where stories live. Discover now