Let Freedom Ring

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It's now Monday morning and Eric is woken up bright and early by the police in the station as they bring him breakfast. They let him know his court hearing is at 11:30 today, he rolls his eyes meaning he has to spend another half day in this cell and he takes the food they give him. He is in a very bad mood this morning, he misses his girlfriend, he's been in this tiny holding cell for 2 days now and he was in desperate need of a shower. Thank goodness the cell was big enough he could at least get somewhat of a workout in, doing push-ups, sit-ups and pull ups on the bars of the cell

It's about 10:30 and his lawyer, Donald DiMaggio walks into the police station and makes a beeline over to the cell

Donald DiMaggio: "Mr Johnson, good to see you again. I've gotten permission for you to use the shower in the locker room here and Rebecca had a suit picked out for you to wear to court"

Eric: "God i love that woman" he says as the cop comes over to let him out of the cell

He follows them and goes into the locker room, giving him some privacy as he lets the water wash over him, thinking of all the things that Becky and he have gone through since they have known each other. He gets all cleaned up and he opens the carrying case that the suit is in and he puts it on and walks out of the locker room

Eric: "Alright, let's get this over with" he says as he walks out with a couple of officers, his lawyer following and they head for the courthouse

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Eric: "Alright, let's get this over with" he says as he walks out with a couple of officers, his lawyer following and they head for the courthouse

It's about a 15 minute ride and he gets out of the car, again, following his lawyer inside the courthouse and heading for the courtroom where he is going to be tried. He sits on the bench and waits for them to come get him, so he decided to look over at Donald

Eric: "She didn't come with you, so she's in there right?"

He just shrugs giving him no answer at all and he lays his head back. What seems like an eternity passes, probably more like 10 minutes, and the bailiff comes out and calls for them to enter the courtroom. They all stand as he enters the room and he sees the sea of red hair instantly and he looks at her and she smiles at him

 They all stand as he enters the room and he sees the sea of red hair instantly and he looks at her and she smiles at him

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Eric: *inside his head* "God she looks good" as he walks to the podium and he looks up at the judge on the stand

Judge Hutchenson: "Mr Johnson my name is Judge Hutchenson and i am going to be ruling today on your case. I received the report from your lawyer, Mr DiMaggio that included some eye witness testimony from what happened that night at the bar. I'm not going to ask you to go through the whole ordeal again but i would ask if there is anything you wanted to say since the individual's family is here in the courtroom todays

*DISCONTINUED* The Man's Bodyguard (Becky Lynch X OC)Where stories live. Discover now