His sweet voice went throughout the hall. Everyone was dancing except for me. I stood awkwardly in the middle trying to fight back the tears. He would try to meet my eyes but I would look at anything but at him. So I settled for his hands that where playing the chords.

“I can be your hero baby

I can kiss away the pain

I will stand by you forever

You can take my breath away.”

I noticed through my blurry vision that he had a lot of band aids on his fingers.

How are you supposed to kiss it away when it’s because of you?

I thought.

He continued to sing and I stood there. a stray tear escaped and went down my cheek as he sang the last line.

“I can be your hero.”

Everyone clapped and I turned around to run to the door while my heart thumped against my ribcage.

“Wait! Amy, please stop!” he pleaded.

I heard a person running behind me, I knew it was him. I ignored him and kept on going. If thinks a corny song is going to make me forgive him he’s got one thing coming. Not that I didn’t feel my heart swell with happiness as he sang or that I didn’t think it was sweet, it’s just that he had hurt me too much. He was the first person I trusted in years yet he proves to me that no one is trust worthy. I ignored the whispers of the people around me and the music. Tears streamed down my face as I ran.

Before I could even reach the doors he grabbed my wrist, pulling me to a stop.

“Let me go!” I yelled through my tears. No one was dancing, they were all surrounding us in a circle.

“Not until you hear me out Amy.” he said in stern tone. I had never heard him speak to me like that.

“I don‘t want to hear more of your lies Eric.” I hissed angrily.

“I wont tell lie to you Amy, please believe me.” he said softly. I opened my mouth to say something but he kept talking. “I know I did and I know I hurt you but I ended up hurting myself as well. I really care about you and I don‘t want to lose you, even if you don‘t want to be in a relationship with me could we at least be friends? You‘re one of the greatest people I know and-”

I cut him off. “How do I know that you‘re not lying to me now? Maybe you‘re just saying that because you want to finish that bet of yours, maybe-” he cut me off by pressing his lips to mine. Heat rushed through my body when he made contact. I stared in shock at his closed eyes as his lips lingered there for a moment before pulling away. I felt cold right away, only then was when I realized how much I had missed his touch.

He cupped my face in his hands, wiping away my tears as he forced me to look him in the eye. That moment I had forgotten that there were people around us.

“I’m sorry Amy.” he whispered. “I’ll never hurt you again. Just give me a second chance, please.” I looked into his blue eyes and saw the truth and honesty in his words, but I wasn’t going to give in that easily.

“Why should I?” I asked in an emotionless voice.

“Because…” he hesitated before continuing. “I love you.” he whispered.

That was like a brick had fallen on my head.

“I… you… really?” I asked lamely.


“What about the bet?”

“It was over two days ago.”


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