I pulled him aside until we were somewhat alone before I asked him my question, "Who's the Mysterious Demon?" 

He froze a bit before giving me a weird look, roughly pulling his arm out of my hand before standing a distance away from me. "What? No one Amelia," He defended but I had gotten that answer enough already. 

"Oh, come on! You're the one who gave me the name!" I exclaimed and just as my arms raised a little while I was talking, Prince took a hold of both of my wrists and in a swift almost angry movement, pushed me against a wall behind me, positioning himself really close to my body. I could feel his breath against my own. 

"And I suggest you forget it," He whispers against my face. After seeing my shocked expression, his smirk lands on his face again.  "It's a myth anyway. A demon who used to roam the walls of this bar, it doesn't exist," 

A myth? "But-"

Just as I was going to question him more, suddenly his lips were pushed onto mine. 

My eyes widened but there was something inviting about his rough lips so slowly I closed my eyes and let myself be distracted by them. I wanted to move my arms around his neck but he kept them in place on the wall. I tried once more to get closer to him, but this time he harshly pulled back altogether. I was left out of breath, unable to say anything but watched him stare at me, something in his eyes seemed conflicted. 

After that he let me go completely and started walking away. 

"Prince!" I called out but he didn't turn back to me and like always, he disappeared before I could reach him. 

I frustratedly pushed my hair back and tried to think but any thought I had would be pushed aside by that kiss. "Fuck," I mumbled as I put a hand to my lips, reliving the fresh memory. 

I had to get out of there. 

Quickly, I made my way back home, knowing I made this situation a hundred times worse. Not only did I kiss a random person I knew nothing about, but it was also at the bar where anyone could have seen it. My parents could find out and completely flip out. My father would not only kill me but would destroy Prince and God forbid a day I see my father that angry-

My thoughts were disrupted though by the scene I was faced with as I walked into my house. 

All my life I had looked up to my parents, their love, their relationship and all I could ever want was to be as happy as they were but this? It broke my heart. 

I watched my own mother being hit by my father, so hard that she fell and nearly brought the table down with her. I couldn't handle it, I let out a scream. 

Both of my parents whipped their heads towards me with panic in their eyes as if I were the one to be hurt but at that point, to me my father looked as if he was panicked about being caught.

I ran towards my mother and blocked her from my father as she tried to get up. 

"Amelia.." My father tried, his voice gentle but I couldn't see him as anything but the man who hit my mother. His hand slowly extended as if trying to comfort me but I flinched away from him,

"Don't touch us!" I shouted which kept him away. It broke me to have to say that to him but I just couldn't let this be. 

I turned to my mother and although she was still somewhat panicked she cupped my face in her hands, "Amelia, I'm okay! You don't need to worry-"

"He hit you!"

"You don't understand-," She tried to make an excuse for him but I couldn't let her do that. Why was she making excuses for him in the first place? Had he manipulated her that much? 

"What part of him punching you did I not understand?!"

My mother looked frantic but nothing they said could excuse him for this.

"We were training-"

I thought back to every time I saw my mother come back with a black eye, a new bruise, a cut, a gash, 


My father turned, running a stressed hand through his hair, unable to look me in the eye when I turned back to him. 

"How dare you?! Leave!" I screamed which had him face me, both of them gasping at what I commanded. 

My mother walked to his side though, holding his hand before turning to me, except this time her eyes were different and somewhat resembled what I saw at the bar with Prince. "He's not going anywhere," she says to me with a calm, dark voice. I was scared.  

I shake my head at them both, this made no sense. Why was she defending him? Why? Why? Why?! 

Tears sprung in my eyes so I turned and ran out of the house, ignoring their protest.

I didn't know where I was running to but I kept running. That perfect image I had of our family in my mind was falling apart and so was I. This had to be some kind of bad dream. I couldn't have been seeing everything so wrong and deluded this whole time was I? Fuck!

I ran until my legs gave in and I crashed against a tree, hoping for any type of support as tears streamed down my face. Everything was destroying itself in my head. Everything becoming dark. 

"Amelia? What's wrong?!" I hear a voice filled with concern and I look up to Francis standing there as if just finishing his training. Dirt all over his face but I probably didn't look any better and yet he came down and made sure I wasn't injured. 

I looked around and realised that I was at a park not too far from Francis' house, fate just wasn't on my side and he happened to be here to see me like this and I couldn't be more humiliated. Despite it though, I was desperate for any type of support so as I looked up to him I managed to answer with a broken voice, 


The Devil is in the Details (Book 3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora