Chapter 3: Coffee

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"Fwah!! That takoyaki was so good!" Mouse sighs in content. Connor scoffed, "That was good to you? I'll bring you to a real bussing place."

"Oh really? Wait what do you mean by 'That was good to you?' Are you saying something about my tastes? "

"I'm just saying, you haven't seen nothing until you try real Japanese food." Connor says cleaning up their chopsticks.

"Right, coming from the person who, once again, bought McDonalds instead of eating the hotel food. Nyan was furious!"

"And I'm telling you that was 100% Chris' idea." Connor says guiltlessly. Mouse stares at him doubtful. "Mhm sure, I think I would know if I gave you that kind of idea." "Oh don't pull that one on me." Connor retorts playfully as Mouse giggles a ton.

They decide to walk aimlessly around the streets after agreeing (for once) that their light lunch was quite filling. Until Connor decided to get yet another coffee. It's his 5th one today. And Mouse's mind is boggled at how one person can live with so much caffeine in their body.

"It's not that deep Mouse, I need energy throughout the day, so I get my fix." Connor protested in low-energy, Mouse judging him at his side. "I'd understand one or two, but five??" she questions in (mostly) curiosity and (a little bit of) concern.

"I can't live without it Mouse, you know that."

"The way you say it is like you're a drug addict reeling from rehab. You sound so depressed."

Her dumb statement breaks Connor's dull demeanor as he laughs to himself. "You know what, you're right Mouse."

"I am right. I'm always right! I'm glad you finally understand."

Connor confesses, "Yeah I just got out of rehab yesterday. And now you're putting me back into my caffeine addiction."

"Addiction? Me? I'm not forcing you to drink coffee."

"At this point, I'm gonna have to. I'm gonna die of exhaustion having to put up with your bullshit."

Mouse gasps at the nerve of this man as Connor laughs annoyingly.

"I've been here for less than a day and you're already saying you're tired of putting up with me! Fuck you!!"

Connor laughs aloud as Mouse lays several baby punches to his arm.
They only realised then that a group of Japanese people up ahead with coffee cups were judging them apprehensively.

The duo avert their eyes (unsurprisingly), Connor looking as casual as can be and Mouse playing it.. not so casual. But either way, it seems that they've reached the Starbucks.

Connor orders an Americano while Mouse orders a Strawberry Dream Créme Frappuccino.

Connor orders an Americano while Mouse orders a Strawberry Dream Créme Frappuccino

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