Chapter 1:locked out

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Leafy's POV:

Firey won dream island good for him! He deserves it, At the gate he let everyone in even coiny and flower, he's such a kind soul, but when I got near the gate firey stopped me said I couldn't be let in because I wanted to get off a deadly ride he explains why, and closed the gate.

Later that day I was just crying, I found myself a fake friend who just used me to get closer to victory and...I fell for it.

I thought about all the thinks me and firey did together,It was all for nothing my sadness got mixed with hate for firey, I wanted revenge, but I knew the other would hate me if I stole dream island, so I just sat there crying, I get locked out of dream island for wanting to get off a ride that would kill me! Then I see someone walk up to me saying "HEY"

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