13| Try To Keep Up

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"What in the hell are you doing here?" I ask the moment Tripp uncovers my mouth

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"What in the hell are you doing here?" I ask the moment Tripp uncovers my mouth.

Though despite my muzzle being removed, Tripp doesn't bother to back up. If anything, he only steps closer, pressing me against the window as his front flushes against my back.

"It's really not hard to pick a lock."

My eyes widen. "How long have you been here? Did my grandmother see you?"

"Please." He scoffs. "She wouldn't have let me stay if she did. Besides, I've been here since you left and it sounded like she went straight to bed when she got back."

"So you've just been sitting in my room all night?"

I watch through the reflection in the window as Tripp dips his head, placing his mouth close to my ear. His breath glides across my skin as he says, "like I told you earlier, this isn't over."

A delicious shiver runs down my spine and I nearly gasp at the sudden twist in the bottom of my stomach. Air breezes past my cheek as Tripp sucks in a sudden breath, a low growl emanating from his chest, sending vibrations through me.

"You're excited," he whispers with surprise in his voice.

My eyes leap to his in the window, trying to piece together what he means.

As if seeing the question in my gaze, he answers, "I can smell your...excitement."

That shouldn't sound as good as it does.

Tripp takes a deep, calming breath while keeping his eyes locked with mine. "You never answered me."

"About what." My voice comes out breathy and unfamiliar to my own ears.

"Did you have fun?"

My attention drops to the ground below my window, to the spot on the sidewalk out front where Aiden and I stood. It was just moments ago but it feels like so much longer than that. Like time sped up and shifted between then and now. I can still feel Aiden's lips against mine but the sensations that ran through me when it happened are all but gone. Instead, a fresh stab of guilt hits me in the chest as I return my gaze to Tripp.

"You saw?"

A flash of emotion darkens Tripp's face. "Yeah, I saw. But I didn't need to."

Gently placing his hands on my hips despite the burning in his eyes, he turns me around to face him.

"I can smell him on you." His hand comes up to softly brush his thumb along my bottom lip. "Especially here."

My heart is beating like crazy and standing this close to him, our bodies pressed together, I have to practically fight to breathe.

"D-Does it hurt?" I lick my lips and try again, hoping my voice comes out steadier. "Smelling him on me, does it hurt?"

I try to imagine what it would feel like to smell another girl's scent on Tripp. My heart and mind both jolt with the idea, creating a wave of emotions too strong and too painful to bear.

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