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I uncrossed my arms, "You're choosing my sister over your imprint?"

"An imprint doesn't necessarily mean that we have to be together. It can be anything, a friend, a shoulder to cry on, a brother." He took a step toward me. I stepped back, his face contorting. "Don't do that."

"It's always going to be my sister." I fought the urge to look away from him, "Even before you shifted, you always chased after her like some lost puppy."

"Have you ever loved someone?"He pleaded with his eyes, "You're right, Athena. Even before I turned, I wanted her. It was like she was meant to be my imprint, but instead—"

"Instead you're stuck with me." I scoffed, looking at him incredulously. "She came first then, and she'll always come first. Even when I'm you're literal soulmate."

I could feel the tears building up, but I did my best to stop them from falling. You'd have to hate somebody to be able to make them feel this type of pain.

"Don't cry, please." He rushed over to me, wiping the tears from my face "I'll still be here for you. Just because I'm not in love with you, doesn't mean that I dont care about you."

I shook his touch off, wiping my own eyes and shaking my head, "I don't need your pity- or your stupid imprint. Don't worry about it. Im sorry you got stuck with such a shity soulmate."

"You know that's not what I meant."

"Do I?" I laughed, not bothering to wipe the tears now, "What makes my sister so special? She clearly doesn't want you, Jacob. She's never going to stop chasing after Edward, and you know that. So what is it? Are you doing this just to hurt me?"

I could see his whole demeanor change, knowing that my words upset him.

"Don't try to play the victim here, I can still smell him all over you." He snapped, "How do you think it made me feel when I saw that he had his hands all over my imprint, before I even got the chance to tell you about it? You know we can hear each other's thoughts?"

Shaking my head, I turned my back to him and started heading back toward the forest,

"You should be worrying about whether or not my sister will choose to try and kill herself again over a bloodsucker that isn't you." I stopped walking "I think that it's best if we both forgot about this whole imprint thing."

"I think you're right." He scoffed.

Regardless of feeling like I just lost all of the air in my lungs, I started running further into the woods. My tears dried as the wind hit my face, but it wasn't enough to blow away the physical and internal pain I felt as I left him behind.


"What do you mean she went to Italy?" I questioned incredulously, sitting across from my dad at the small kitchen table.

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