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I'd been sitting on the couch for only ten minutes when the sound of laughter caught my attention from outside. I stepped through the door quickly, seeing the boys walking out of the tree line and toward the Uley house further down the reserve.

I thought about whether I should just wait for Jacob to come home, or kill two birds with one stone and confront the lot of them, which could turn out to be a bad idea in the long run. Going with the bottom of the latter- I shut the screen door behind me carefully, jogging my way across the field and toward the group of Quileute boys.

"Hey!" I called out, catching their attention. They slowed to a stop, turning around, "You guys all best friends now?"

Nobody said a word, Jake's back turned to me completely.

"The least you could do is look at me." I scoffed, "Don't you think you owe me an explanation? All of you, owe me some kind of explanation."


Anger nearly swallowed me whole. I wanted a reaction....no, I needed a reaction. Did none of them feel bad at all?

"Really? Nothing?" I scoffed, "Embry? Jake? None of you have anything to say right now?"

"Athena, go home." Embry spoke up, a flat look on his face. I raised my eyebrows- walking over to him until I was about five inches from his face.

"Go home? You want me to go home, Embry? What about Quil? How could you be alright with just abandoning him like this?" I began, "I'm all he has now, thanks to you. And here you are, with your new friends- while he's at home wondering what he did to deserve to be treated like shit by such a shitty friend like you."

Embry clenched his jaw, looking down at me, but didn't reply.

"What about you, Paul? Nothing to say? You don't wanna talk to me? That's fine, don't talk, just look. Look at what you did to me. Yeah, I remember now." I lifted my shirt a little, standing in front of him now, "Fucking look at me!"

He slowly brought his eyes to mine, "You want me to look at you? I'm looking at you. Is this what you came here for?"

"You don't even feel the slightest bit sorry? I'm stuck with this for life, and you don't even have the decency to at least pretend you're sorry. ZTEfor completely fucking me over in more ways than one?" I chuckled "Nevermind the fact that you turned into a giant fucking bear sized dog, and tried to kill me!"

"You sound crazy, Athena." He spoke stoicly, making my frustration grow. "Go home. Nobody here has anything to say to you."

I internally winced, but didn't let my hurt show.

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