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hey everyone!!

so i still can't believe that this book is over. this book has been with me for so long, and you won't believe the editing and timeline it has gone through. i'll sum it up for you.

i started this book around december of 2021. i was almost finished writing this book by march, and that's when i re-read everything and realized how much i hated it. and so in a span of two weeks (my spring break) i re-wrote 3/4ths of the book. crazy, right??

that's went i kinda got burnt out and super busy. and so this book was put on hold for QUITE a while. i began editing again in summer 2022 but i was more excited for other books and so, yet again, tricks of time was put on hold.

all while the fanbase for grayson and the inheritance games grew on wattpad. i think by the end of summer, this book had reached 30,000 reads and i so badly wanted to edit the book. i just really didn't have any motivation to write.

the school year started again and wattpad was left untouched. once again, in my winter break, i had a magical reappearance on wattpad and was able to finish my CLATO fanfic (check that out if you're a fan of the hunger games!) but i didn't really touch this fic even then. it was weird.

so the fact that i finished this book once again in the span of a few days is crazy to me, but not unheard of. as of 2/4/23, this book has 60,000 reads.

there isn't really much to say. i hope you guys have enjoyed this book as much as i enjoyed writing it. it was definitely annoying at parts and there were definitely times i faced severe bouts of writer's block.

i'm sorry if the ending was a bit sudden to you. i thought that *spoiler* her finding out that mallory laughlin was her real mom was a nice close to the book. but i can understand if this ending was sudden and not expected, and if you guys expected more. i really tried to foreshadow the book coming row close in the last few chapters and i think it's alright, but i'm sorry if you guys were expecting more and didn't receive it.

fyi: i know i was thinking that there wouldn't be smut in this book, but leah and grayson DID have sex in the epilogue. sorry if this wasn't clear, but i don't know. i thought it was a nice finish.

again, sorry if you guys were expecting a more steamy or a more romantic ending. i tried to make it more of a beautiful/romantic ending rather than making it full on SMUT but i wanted to end it in such a way that showed that leah's heart was with grayson and vice versa.

she was reluctant on losing her virginity for quite a while and so i thought that the fact that she trusted grayson to take it from her showed a lot.

i know this question will come up, and so one thing i'd like to address is that as much as i'd love to, i'm not going to be making a sequel. i plan to leave this book on a happy ending, and also particularly because i don't really know what comes next for leah and grayson. i don't think this is prone to change, but i do have a great idea for a new (yes, you read that right) grayson hawthorne fanfic which i might start this summer. i know that's a while, but i'd rather have steady updates then leave you guys hanging like i did for this book. 

i'm really happy with all the support this book has gotten. it's my most read book on wattpad and the success i got with this book motivated me to keep writing both this book and other fanfics. it means a lot to me. when i started this book, i would never have expected the book to be as successful as it is today. thank you ALL so so much.

lastly, special thank you to everyone who stuck with me with this book. there are definitely a big group of readers who have stuck with this grayson hawthorne fanfic since chapter one. and you guys have seen it all! i have so much gratitude to you guys— before this book got "popular," you were the ones who really motivated me to keep writing.

as of now, there's not much else to say. again, a huge thank you to everyone, and i really hope you enjoyed this book. i put a lot of effort into it and i truly think my writing got better over the course of the book and so i hope that as the book drew to a close it also became more and more enjoyable.

last thing— if you'd like to check out any of my other books, here are the three i have:

bill denbrough (it) fanfic— completed but very badly written

clato fanfic (the hunger games)— completed and if i do say so myself, good writing

eddie munson (stranger things) fanfic— good writing but discontinued

that's all there is from me for now. i'll continue to update this page as time goes on— if there's anything i want to add and put out there that i think you guys may want to now.

as you guys know, there's no way that this is my final goodbye! i'm always here and i'm always going to be active on checking my notifications, even if i may not be writing.

much love,


tricks of time ― grayson hawthorne [the inheritance games]Where stories live. Discover now