Augustine Finley couldn't find one thing about the superhero life she liked until it came to Richard "Dick" Grayson. They were thirteen when they met — barely old enough to even act like they knew how the world worked. Yet, the two had seen far too much. Of course, Augustine would say she had lived a much better life than Dick. He watched his parents die right in front of his eyes — the most Augustine had to complain about was an absentee father, of whom she had no idea his name or any other crucial information. But the two were mad at the world for various reasons and they found it way easier to be mad together. It didn't take long for Augustine Finley to fall in love with the boy, it was almost imminent for her. The thought of losing him as a friend made her mouth stay shut. She'd rather love from afar and keep her best friend than tell him and risk losing it all. Besides, who was she at the ripe age of fifteen to say she had fallen in love and she wanted it to be the last time. 

Their entire dynamic changed when the Titans came to be — Augustine still refused to do anything with her powers. Instead she opted for the other job her mom had, following in the footsteps of those before her and going into medical school. Helping people in a way that was less likely to get her killed. Plus, it helped her keep her mind off of her (former?) best friends that were fighting bad guys in the streets of San Francisco. While Dick Grayson was off hating the world and damning Bruce Wayne for what he did to him, Augustine Finley was finally discovering the part of herself that was a secret. Who knew Bruce Wayne could be the answer to so many problems? Augustine should have figured it out earlier, her mom only spoke of two relationships she was in. One with the other richest person in Gotham (Bruce) and the other with a villain who still has a soft spot for her today (Augustine never wanted to go any further into her mothers relationship with Jonathan Crane, she couldn't quite wrap her head around it).

Never in her wildest dreams did Augustine expect to learn that information without Dick by her side. They swore to be there for each other when information like that was figured out. Augustine was there when they found the people who killed Dick's parents. She was there for him anytime he needed to speak his mind to Bruce (who, looking back at it now, often just stared blankly at Augustine instead of reacting to anything Dick had said). But the one time Augustine Finley felt like she needed Dick to be right beside her, he was no where to be found. Or rather, he was somewhere fighting bad guys, just not in the place that Augustine would have liked for him to be. So, that was it, Augustine thought. The end of their friendship, it was time to let it go. Time to move on — time to let herself fall in love with someone else. She had just finished medical school, just matched with a residency program. Augustine Finley had a lot of life left to live and she was planning on doing it with no worries whatsoever.

And then she got that damned phone call from Dick Grayson that made it all come running back to her. Every feeling, every thought, every glance, and every touch came back to her. He needed help, he said. It was time for her to finally put her powers to use, he finalized. At least, that was what Augustine got out of the conversation.

portrayed by chloe grace moretz

 portrayed by chloe grace moretz

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