Breach and Secure

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Cough! Cough! Cough...

Days has passed since the meeting as a team of heroes were packed just outside of the point of interest that everyone were at.

Already, a few teams were inside while a large number were outside in case of reinforcements from the Shie Hassaikai attacked them from behind, the team mentioned earlier was walking through the corridors.

...Cough! Cough! Cough!

A man was leading the group through inside the home and in the countless of basements that he remembers, his lungs burned from the awful nostalgic smell. His eyes burned, guiding through left and right while students and heroes alike followed.

Cough! Cough! Cough!

"...You need like... a cough drop or..."

"I'm fine... I just hate the smell in here..."

Among the heroes that were inside, a handful of heroes and students followed one specific hero that knew the ins and out of the place, confidentially taking turns and finding stairs that leads to a floor lower to where they need to be.

They were following Y/n, the Powerhouse Hero also known as the Quad-Father. He was part of a mission that Nighteye wanted him to partake in. And that was to memorize everything inside the base where they were producing drugs that could erase anybody's quirk permanently.

After that success, Y/n now had to lead the heroes through the maze of floors and hallways in search for a girl that was used to make these horrible drugs.

Cough! Cough! Cough!

"Dude, seriously... If you need a break, tell us..."

"We can't! They'll catch us if we stay in one position for too long!"

Y/n pushes on, even though he wasn't the same guy that got sick when he got in this undercover mission, he knows that taking a break was unnecessary. Even if his lungs felt like dying, it'll just get them all killed.

"L/n-sensei... You can lean on me if you need to..." Izuku catches up to him and walked alongside with his third year teacher. "I'm fine, Deku... The fight outside... was nothing..." Y/n replies before continuing to cough his lungs out.

"...This way..." he stays standing, jogging now as they have been in the building for a good ten minutes.

Then twenty.

Then thirty as they believed that they were halfway down the twelve floored basement, fighting low class villains and searching for the shortest route to their point of interest.

At this point the exercise as making Y/n exhausted. He clears his throat often while his vision gets dizzy from the constant nostalgic smell he had to breathe in. Although his costumed face mask was supposed to keep the awful toxic smell of blood, guts, and bleach, it still didn't help that he could smell it through the mask.

...Wobble... Wobble...

"W-What was that?" Midoriya questioned once more in the group as the floor starts to shake. "Irinaka..." Y/n mutters as the hallway around them starts to shake more.

"What is going on?!"

Everyone starts to stumble and fall, their balance cannot keep themselves upright as Y/n was the only one able to match the sickening pace that this man he named Irinaka was making. Then the walls starts to spew beams across the each other, creating a path that was slowly becoming uncrossable.

"The hallway!"


In a flash, a c/c blur passes by the group of heroes. It was Y/n as he had his eyes at the hallway closing up as he predicts where the opening would appear.

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