chapter 26 "no pop-tarts for cowards"

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haechan assisted myeong back to her dorm, taking one last glance at her before loosely wrapping his arms on her shoulders and with his free hand, he scooped her head closer to him, resting it on his chest

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haechan assisted myeong back to her dorm, taking one last glance at her before loosely wrapping his arms on her shoulders and with his free hand, he scooped her head closer to him, resting it on his chest.

"so, i guess i'll be going back to my dorm now, byebye myeong! thank you again for today!"

the haechan disappeared quickly like a thief in the night(who may or may not have stolen her heart), and before myeong could even process what just happened, haechan had already locked himself inside his room, cheeks flushed red and a heart that pumped a hundred.

myeong, now positioned like a desiccated starfish on her own bed, couldn't sleep despite her numerous tossing and turning; she's had a cup of espresso previously, and the events of the recent moments didn't help either. truth be told, she hasn't felt this joyful in years—heck, even the word happy seems strange coming from her mouth.

she's convinced the boy next door, haechan, is her lucky charm, her knight-in-shining-armor.

ever since the latter appeared in her 'badly written book of a life', the past few chapters were surprisingly nicer? contrary to the angst of events she went through on the previous pages.

she isn't getting bullied anymore unlike before, has friends, eats like 4 times a day, isn't sick, has good grades...

a family is all that's missing and her life is literally perfect. all she's ever asked for—but seems like it won't be happening soon for the Author has different plans.

mom: baby how are you? did you guys arrive at the dorms safely?

haechan: yes mom

haechan: i'm just about to sleep, worked on some papers but it's all done now

mom: mm, glad to hear :D

mom: oh by the way, me and your dad will be staying at a resort with colleagues to have fun and relax.. we'll reserve you a pass so come if youre free!

haechan: i'll think abt it mom

haechan: ohhh, right

haechan: i think i'll go bc we're actually on break now and i have nothing else to do hahah

mom: thats great

mom: you should probably sleep now, it's getting late

mom: good night my full sun! love you

haechan: u too mom, love u<3 tell dad i said hi

seen by mom 12:46 p.m.

a call interrupted the daydreams of myeong.

looking at the user id, it was an unknown number. just as she was about to slide the button to answer it, the ringing turned off and the person on the other line ended the call without saying anything. myeong wondered who they might be, could it be her father? or maybe someone who mistook her number for someone else's, that's way more rational.

unbeknownst to her, it was sungho all along who initiated the call, dialing the number of his daughter only to back off seconds in. he is still scared to face her.

shrugging, the mute girl decided to just text donghyun about his day.

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