The day bleeds into nightfall, and you're not here to get me through it all

Start from the beginning

One breath...

"Take care of the kids and yourself, Minjee. I've had a good life with you and the boys, just never forget me, okay?" Their father breathes out shakily, with the most heartbreaking smile, reaching one hand weakly to hold his wife's, the other gently hugging the boys without getting them dirty.  

Two breaths...

Dad...Dad? Don't die—" The boys plead, grasping the situation as more tears poured endlessly.

"I love you, Minjee, Jisung and Yongbok. My little stars and my moon, I love you." 

And he breathed his last. 


Tears pool at his eyes, one drop falling down his cheek. The great wolf war had scarred many, and ever since then, the four packs had established a peace treaty while vowing to share between them without conflict. 

Until now. 

A star twinkled in the sky, a shooting star jumping from behind the clouds and dragging across the sky with a sparkling white trail as if telling the blonde omega to cheer up. A soft smile stretched across his lips as he wiped his tears away. 

"I guess that wish came true after all..." Felix laughs to himself, remembering his last wish made on one such night. 

A knock on the door interrupted his time to himself, Felix sniffling slightly as the door creaked open to reveal a familiar face of his old friend. 

"Dinnertime, Highness." 

"Jeongin, hey... It's been awhile." Felix says with a smile, gesturing the servant to come inside the room. 

"I figured I'd let your majesty have his time with his husband." Jeongin said with an equally wide smile, although it looked a little strained. Almost like he was forcing it. 

Felix dismissed the idea quickly as his head playing tricks on him, shaking his head with a chuckle as he got up from his seat by the window, dusting his dress and closing the open curtains by the window. 

"Are you okay? Seems like you were crying..." Jeongin asks in concern, and the blonde chuckled softly, sniffling after. 

"Nothing, just thinking." Felix mumbles, waving his hand to change the topic, and Jeongin nods understandingly. Just thinking about how your husband and the father to your pups that you only barely began to love might never come back again. Felix thought to himself, heaving a sigh. 


Rubbing his temple out of frustration and a horrible headache, Hyunjin sat quietly on his throne with the words of his minters going through one ear and out the other. It had been five hours since he'd been sitting there, not even able to get a word out before his own ministers began arguing between themselves every few seconds. 

"Your Highness, there are four gates in our territory, all of them protected with the best of our guards, and we've even been able to incorporate a system of crystallites to allow only those of our territory. The only other visitors have to show royal permission to enter the gates. And our—" Yeonjun, one of his ministers speaks up while the others quiet down. 

"What about the Moon Stone clan? Do they have to get permission? Moreover, have you looked into the security and resources of their territory?" Hyunjin asks, tired. He'd been hearing the same thing over and over again and had enough of the meaningless debates for five  hours. 

"Your Majesty, as far as I've known the Moon Stone clan has always followed through with our procedures, and I.. don't know about anything else. We've never had to think about their territory." Yeonjun answers, bowing his head down with nothing of a satisfactory answer. The pack alpha clicks his tongue, displeased. 

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