He would never call taehyung a mistake or jungkook a burden because they are the ones who he loves with his whole life. He can never see tears in their eyes ,never see them sad .he always wants them to be happy.

He knows that it's not right to force the younger to get married at such young age ,and that too to someone he doesn't want to neither knows much about.

But he knows it's right for the younger. He is 22 years old and he still acts like a child sometimes ,he's too dependant on him for everything, he needs to understand how to live on his own. And he also knew about the girl he was dating ,and that she wasn't a good choice and nothing but a gold digger. He asked him to break up with her but he didn't do it ,so he asked Namjoon who is his nephew to make the younger understand but he didn't listen to his friends too ,he had to do something about that too because he never wants to see his son getting hurt. So he did what he had to do.

Around a week ago ,he wasn't feeling ,so he decided to visit a doctor and the doc said that he might have the symptoms of cancer ,so they ran a test. Thankfully it was negative and he was okay ,it was just normal sickness.

But that made him think that what if the result was positive ,what if he wasn't there Anymore, what would happen of his sons. He is the only one they both have as a family.

He has known them for their whole life ,he has watched them grow up with his own eyes. He knows they are the best for each other.

Even though ,the younger might seem bratty and childish which he definitely is ,but under that personality is a caring and full of love human being who would do anything for his loved ones.

And jungkook is just a broken human being who had to go through a lot because of one regretful decision. All his life he has been alone from childhood to adulthood ,never had any friends because of his shy and introverted personality. Someone who could be considered as a family was only soohyun for him ,even though he always tried to be there for him ,but there were moments he couldn't be there as he could have for taehyung. He has never been loved unconditionally as he deserves. He just needs someone to love and care for him. Even though he seems strong from outside ,he is anything but strong ,he is very fragile.

So soohyun believes he made the right decision to get them married.


After soohyun parked outside the younger's house, he looked at jungkook only to notice that he's sleeping. He decided to not wake the bunny up as he probably didn't get much sleep at night thats why he is sleeping right now.

He got out of his seat and opened the passenger seat's door. He unbuckled the younger's seatbelt and crouched down infront of kookie to pick him up on his back.

He got inside using the pin and went inside younger's room. He made him lay down ,removed his outer jacket and shoes and tucked him in. After that he left ,leaving a msg for the younger to remind him that he was the one who dropped him home as he might probably forget.

(A/N: I usually don't remember what i am doing or saying when i am crying badly ,m i the only one?)

He rushed off to his own home ,where his drunk son was who hopefully might have sobered a little now.

He parked his car and entered inside and straight left to the handsome male's room only to hear puking noises from the washroom. He immediately hurried inside to see his son kneeling on the floor throwing up in the toilet. He brought a glass of water for him and kneeled beside him running circles on his back and patting it. He swept his hair away from his face that were falling on his forehead and we're sticking because of sweat.

After the younger was done ,he shut the toilet seat and made younger take some breaths before helping him stand up. And making him wash his mouth.

He assisted his son to get out of washroom and sit on the couch in his room. While the younger was still trying to be alright holding his head in hands. Elder msged the maid downstairs to make a hangover soup for him.

When his son groaned in pain ,he sighed and made the man lean on him and massaged his head a little. No matter what ,he just can't see him in pain.

"It will be alright , minyoung is coming with the hangover soup . Just don't drink again ,okay ,you know that you can't handle it." He said in a soothing voice still massaging his head.

His son relaxed in his father's hold closing his eyes. After a few minutes ,minyoung aka the maid came with the hangover soup,he fed the younger and also gave him a painkiller.

After eating it ,taehyung got better and his headache reduced too. He sat up straight and looked at his father and saw him looking concerned," are you okay now?" Soohyun asked.

"Yeah and i am sorry." He murmured in a low voice and hugged his father.

"I am not the one you should be apologising to ,brat. Come with me tomorrow and say sorry to kookie. You scared him today ,you don't know what he has been through ,dont ever i mean never yell at him again ,i am warning you. I trust my parenting enough to believe that you ever hit your partner in your right mind." Scolded soohyun in a serious and calm manner.

"Okay dad i understand,i will apologise to him."he grumbled looking away. One thing he hates is apologising if it's not his hyungs or father.

"Yeah good ,and i am sorry too. I shouldn't have raised my hand on you but honestly you deserved it. But leave this all now and tell you what happened that you had to get drunk in broad daylight being a lightweight and as far as i know you hate alcohol." Soohyun asked raising an eyebrow.

"I was stressed dad ,very stressed. So much is going on at once and i didn't know what to do. I am failing in studies and now i can't go to college for atleast a week because someone outed me to everyone and spread rumours about me cheating when i never did. Now almost everyone are being homophobic pricks and are hating on me and criticizing me for marrying a man much older than me." Taehyung said looking down.

"Ahh my son! Don't let the hate consume you ,it never does any good. Just ignore it the best you can. And trust me ,most of these homophobes are just homos in closet and it isn't their life ,they are the ones who need to mind their own business.

You can't always make everyone love you ,there is always going to be there someone who is gonna hate you but you cant change that.

And the rumours ,they are called rumours for a reason ,you are the one who knows what's actually true ,so it shouldn't matter what others say about it because you know that you are right and not what they are saying.

about your studies ,ask jimin to send you the work. And don't worry about the grades ,grades shouldn't matter much ,and don't you want to be a singer ,so they won't affect your future , as long as you pass and aren't unhappy ,that's enough. Yeah! Just try your best and if you want ,i can always arrange a tutor for you." Said soohyun.

Taehyung smiled widely at his father and said "Dad ,you are the best ,how can you know just what i need to hear? And i assure you i will try my best ,okay. And i will tell you later if i needed a tutor. Thank you so much. You reduced more than half of my stress."

"That's good ,i should leave to my room now. Remember ,don't drink again and tell me when you are stressed ,i will try my best i can do to tell you ,okay. And you should probably start packing ,those who will take your stuff to move out are gonna come in a day or two. And don't forget you have to come with me tomorrow to sincerely apologise to kookie." Soohyun said leaving to his own room.


This is it for this chapter.

Hope y'all like it.

Not proofread. If there are any typos,please do tell.

And i have a question for whoever is reading this.

Suggest someone to end up with soohyun ,he is all alone and i want him to have someone for himself too.

Till next time...~

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