❤️Smiley x reader❤️

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Smiley was the name he had but that only was a thing when his brother was around... after he passed he was not all smiles anymore his heart was hurting and everything around him collapsed but yet he still held onto the shop he and his brother had, it was all he had of him now. Nahoya was severing ramen to a customer when he heard the doors of Sugoaku open looking over he saw a girl and at that moment he thought he saw the most beautiful girl but yet he thought of his brother when he saw a pout on her lips, watching her walk over to the far end corner to sit alone. He walked over with a smile plastered on his face as he greeted "Welcome I'm Nahoya the person who will be serving you today and making your food" she looked up at the male before looking back down and mumbling what she wanted, thankfully Nahoya could hear and was used to the mumbles from his brother. As soon as he came back with the food she smiled up at him so brightly that his heart almost stopped as she was only pouting because she was hungry and now she looked to be the most happiest thing
alive "I hope you enjoy your meal today miss!" he said as he left her be to eat up the ramen. When he came back he saw the bowl empty and the girl looking happy as ever he soon caved in right there as he cleaned up her spot "Hey miss? i know this seems weird.... but could I get your number and maybe take you out to coffee some day?" She squeaked out and nodded grabbing his hand and writing down his number with the pen she grabbed from his pocket "Thank you for the meal it was the best ramen I had! I will be coming back here soon!" He laughed watching her run off looking at the money folded into a heart blushing from it before he looked at his hand he saw the number and the smiley that was drawn next to it. From then he knew that she will bring back his smile.

Tiny future!!
The couple were now a small family and she started working there next to him and even had a ramen dish named after the daughter they had together.

"Y/n! can you come here for a sec" he shouted as he was down on one knee, as she came out she saw him and soon she started to pout and tear up, he laughed seeing her "my pouting princess, you made me so much more happy these days and I wanted to ask if you will make me even more happy by taking my last name and marring me?"

Months later you became Y/n Kawata and had twins soon after that

484 words
Hope everyone has a good day!

Random Anime One shots!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon