That fateful day..

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Dante:*wakes up sweating* Fuck

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Dante:*wakes up sweating* Fuck...*sigh*

Dominic:*picks up his ringing phone* What?

Dante: Hey man..

Dominic: Oh Dante. I uh, didn't expect you to call.

Dante: Well I'm calling. How've you been?

Dominic: Good I'm just...doing something.

Dante: Something?

Dominic: Look it's not important, what do you want?

Dante: Well I just woke up in a cold sweat remembering you falling into hell.

Dominic: Oh.

Dante: You remember that right?

Dante: You remember that right?

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Dominic: Yes...I remember.

Dante: Why'd you jump?

Dominic: ....

Dante: Why did you jump man? We could've walked out together man. I-I I mean you got people killed but I didn't care. I didn't even know if you were alive or you died on impact.

Dominic: ......

Dante: Hey it's fine. It's not like I'm eight years old still thinking my brother is dead. Heh, you survived right? You're too stubborn to die right? Haha! It's not like I spent every night thinking I killed you! Hahaha!

Dominic: Dante. If you're trying to make me feel bad it's not gonna work.


Dominic:*sigh* Goodbye Dante.

Dante: Bye!*slams his phone and starts sobbing* Fuck! Man!

Dominic:*rubs the bridge of his nose* What the fuck is wrong with him? I care. I just don't want to remember. I need a drink. And a gun.

 And a gun

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