Memory loss and new beginnings

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On a very stormy night in a different universe. Outside of a very prestigious looking school, a small tear in reality opened and a person fell out of it screaming on the way down, his screams masked by the thunder and rain and we're silenced when his head hit a stone knocking him unconscious.

Morning came around and a group of friends were walking around campus. One of the females there screamed at the sight of the person laying in the grass seemingly dead

???: Is that like, a dead body?!

???: Kitty go get help!

Kitty: Like, yeah I'm so out of here!!

The girl known as Kitty, ran into the school as her two friends, a male with red sunglasses and one with dark blue hair

???: Is he dead Scott?

Scoot checked the person's neck for a pulse and with a sigh of relief he turned to his friend

Scott: He's okay Kurt. But he needs help.

Kurt: Uhh..

Kurt flips over to the other side of the unconscious man and knelt down to eye level

Kurt: You need your eyes checked? Look at him. Blood but no wound? How do you explain that?

Scott: He could be a mutant.

Kurt: Hah. With hair like that I wouldn't doubt it!

Kurt ran a hand through the person's hair. Silky smoothe and white as snow.

Suddenly his arm was grabbed by the person and his eyes met Kurt's. Dark blue eyes with a gaze as cold as ice. The person let out a few grunts before passing out again in the dirt.

Who is this man? Where is he from? Why is he here?

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