Crossing Paths

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A/N: OMG I finally got the motivation to write something and I feel so proud of myself!! How are you all?

Translations: Дорогая~ Darling

Song Recommendations: Boss Bitch? Idk 😂

Warnings: Angst? Sexual tension?

Your boots smacked against the pavement as you sprinted down the street of a small town.

Everyone standing by was staring at you as if you were mad.

I were wearing an all black spandex suit, bullet proof vest and had gun holsters on your thighs.

You spared a quick glance behind yourself, making sure you weren't being followed.

When you turned your head back around, you caught a blow to the face.

You stumbled back, gripping your nose to keep the blood from running. All you could see were a pair of army green combat boots.

Too small and narrow to be men's.

Without looking up, you turned to the side and sent a kick to their gut and hurried to pick yourself up.

The assailant coughed and gasped for a moment before reaching for the package you were tasked with protecting.

You blocked their grab with your forearm, stopping their attack. It was only then that you were able to fully see their features.

Beautiful round face, bright green eyes, blonde hair that was knotted up in a braid.

Her eyes were lined with black shadow and held determination in them.

You lost your focus for a moment, giving the girl an opening to knee you in the stomach.

You stumbled back, clumsily falling on your ass, and almost felt embarrassed.

But still, you didn't let go of the package.

The woman reached for her gun, reminding you of your own weapon.

The two of you whipped out your pistols at them same time, pointing them at each other daringly.

"This doesn't have to be complicated," she spoke, her Russian accent thick with intimidation.

"I agree. Drop your weapon," you retorted.

She laughed.

She actually laughed in the middle of the fight.

Who was this girl?

The two of you circled each other, keeping your guns at arms length.

"Why do you want this?" You asked as you nodded your head towards the small box.

"Oh this isn't a personal matter, Дорогая," she purred.

"I work for some dangerous people who really want whatever is in that box."

You kept your gaze on her, not even straying from her eyes as cars drove past. "Yeah, well so do I. And trust me, you don't want to get on their bad side. Ever heard of S.H.I.E.L.D?"

She didn't seem impressed.

"You don't know what's in it either. Do you?" She asked causing you to get lost in thought.

The blonde kicked your gun out of your hands, sending it sliding across the concrete.

Instinctually, you ducked as she sent a punch towards your head.

She caught your foot behind hers, pinning you to the road on your back. At some point during the interaction the package had been knocked out of your grasp and sent tumbling somewhere nearby.

Wisps of her hair framed her face and blew in the wind as she spoke.

She was so close you could feel her breath on your skin.

"This was fun. Maybe we can meet again sometime under less hostile circumstances," she smirked.

You clenched your jaw, squirming underneath her in an attempt to get up.

Before you could, she pointed her fist towards you and an electric charge blasted you right in the chest.

It stung like a bitch, to say the least.

You closed your eyes as your head bounced against the ground.

A hiss of pain left your lips and when you opened your eyes again she was gone.

So was the package.

So was the package

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2022 ⏰

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