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kill the engine. 

wait for instruction.

cause I'm in cHaRgE!



🎶 Song Recommendations: 🎶

(I'll call you mine~girl in red)

You turned the engine off and quickly climbed out of the car. Yelena got out of the passenger's seat and opened the trunk of the car. 

After you'd gotten your bags, you walked down to where the beach was. 

Yelena kept shaking her head to all the spots you tried to stay in. "It has to be perfect," she said in her beautiful accent. 

You laughed at her a little and after a while the both of you found a resting spot.

Your girlfriend pulled the picnic blanket out of the bag and laid it out across the sand. 

She slipped off her coral flip flops and sprawled across the blanket on her stomach.

You sat down next to her and pulled out the sunscreen before squirting some in your hands and rubbing your palms together. 

Yelena shrieked as your hands met her back. "Y/N! What are you doing?" 

You ignored her grumbles and kept applying the sunscreen to her body, not wanting her to get burned. 

After you finished, you began to put some on yourself.

The both of you sat sunbathing for a while, flipping over when you felt like you were getting overheated. 

Eventually, Yelena sat up and started digging through a bag.

Her rustling had waken you up from the slight nap you had been taking.

You sat up slowly and propped yourself up on your elbows while arching an eyebrow in confusion.

Yelena shoved something in her mouth and turned around to find you staring at her. 

She blushed sheepishly and mumbled with her mouth full, "I got hungry."

You chuckled at her statement and decided to get a snack for yourself too.

You were in the middle of munching on your small bag of chips when Yelena dropped something on your lap.

It was small and at first glance you thought it was a rock. 


Yelena had dropped a small white crab on your lap and it was getting ready to pinch you. 

You scrambled to your feet, dropping the bag of chips and making them spill.

The crab scurried away in a fright and left you glaring at Yelena.

She just chuckled in your expense. 

"What's wrong with you? I'm gonna kill you!" You tried to grab her arm but she dodged you and started running towards the water. 

You sprinted after her, determined to get her back.

You followed Yelena into the water, kicking up salt water in your path. 

She'd gotten deep enough into the water that it was at her chest now. 

You made your way over to her. There was nowhere else for her to run.

"That wasn't very nice," you said, taking her waist in your hands. 

She pretended to pout and looked down towards the water in mock shame.

"Will I be punished?" Yelena asked with a glint in her eye.

You blushed profusely at her statement and felt your heart race inside your chest.

When you didn't answer, she looked back up into your eyes.

God she's beautiful.

The sun hit her skin perfectly, illuminating all her gorgeous features. 

Her eyes were sparkling and you found yourself unable to look away from them until she closed them.

She leaned in for a kiss, but this gave you the perfect opportunity...

You slid your hands up her back, pretending to go in for the kiss, before easily untying her swim top with the simple pull of a string. 

Yelena felt it slip off and into the water, thankfully the water was already concealing her chest.

She tried to grab for it, but you snatched it up first before hurrying back to shore.

Your girlfriend stood in the water frowning and occasionally shouting for you to come back with her clothing.

"Only if you say the magic word," you would tell her.

She thought for a moment. "пожалуйста?"

You shook your head, "Do you really think I'm that basic."

Yelena whined and complained for over twenty minutes before you gave in. 

You walked back into the water where she was and handed her the swim top.

"Wanna know what the word was?" You smirked and tied it back up for her.

Her face was a little sun burnt and she looked exhausted.

"What?" She replied irritably. 

You whispered something into her ear making her face turn even more red.

She gave you a kiss and slipped her hand in yours before leading you back to the sand.

Once you'd reached the picnic blanket, you saw a crowd of seagulls pecking away at the remaining food.

"Shoo!" You waved your hands at them and shouted, but they refused to leave.

Yelena laughed as one began to attack you and you ran off.

She sat down on the blanket and reached towards a Doritos bag. 

One of the seagulls stared at her blankly and threatened her with it's eyes. 

"You can share," she said while hesitantly grabbing a chip from the bag.

I love you, I love you, I love you! UGH! 1000 READS?! I never even thought this was possible LMAO

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I love you, I love you, I love you! UGH! 1000 READS?! I never even thought this was possible LMAO. I never expected this or even deemed it something remotely able to be accomplished!

I LARB YOU ALL 3000!!!

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