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Requested by Alex_2151

A/N~None! I hope you enjoy~


Пришло твое время сиять, дорогая (It's your time to shine, Darling)

Song Recommendations:


(The Red Room)

"Aww c'mon! Is that the best you got?" Yelena asked in her thick Russian accent. 

You felt anger swell in your chest before attempting a punch at her ribcage. 

She dodged and grinned smugly. 

You clenched your jaw and tried a roundhouse kick, but she caught your leg midair. She took advantage of your lack of balance and pinned you to the ground. 

You were angry, but had to admit...It was kind of hot.

"You two are pathetic," Natasha stated with a smile before taking a long sip from her water bottle. 

"Oh yeah!? I'd like to see you try!" You teased. 

Natasha only shook her head, waiting for instructions from the older widows.

"Line up!" Someone shouted from across the room in Russian.

You all dropped whatever you had in your hands and immediately followed the command. Each of you knew that if you didn't, the consequences would be drastic. 

You synchronized your movements to match with the other widows'. Making sure not to miss a beat.

When you saw Yelena misplace her foot, a bubble of worry grew inside of your stomach.

It wasn't good to make attachments in the Red Room, but with Natasha and couldn't help it.

They'd always been  there for you. Shown you the ropes. Even protected you, when needed.

Especially Natasha. She was your best friend. 

Or at least the closest thing you'd ever had to one.

The two of you confided in each other about things you couldn't necessarily talk to Yelena about.

She'd braid your hair before practice, and make sure each of your cuts and bruises were tended to. 

Even though she was only five years older than you and Yelena, she'd always been like a mother figure to you. 

You clung to her desperately for advice and assurance, and in return she was always there to give it. 

Yelena was different.

You couldn't talk to her as easily. 

Your palms would get sweaty and your heart would race.

Natasha knew of your feelings for her sister, but never confronted you of them.

That's how Natasha was. 




Which is why you couldn't understand why she never came back.

When Natasha left the Red Room, you were happy for her. Finally, she'd be free. 

But, you expected her to free you too.

Although you were upset, Yelena was furious.

She acted like she hated Natasha for leaving her there.

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