Thick smoke clogged up his sinuses and made it hard to breathe, getting stuck in his throat and squeezing his lungs. Each breath rattled his chest, feeling himself wheeze out the last of his available oxygen. Blood rushed relentlessly through his ears, making it the only thing he's able to hear.

For a moment, he was certain he was floating, feeling numb and increasingly weak. Maybe his lack of proper air was going to be the factor about to take him out for good. Until he feels sharp rocks stab against his knees, crashing to the broken cement and tearing through his already mutilated hero costume.

His senses begin rushing back to him all at once, first the sense of feeling. He could feel pain. Hot, white blistering pain practically everywhere. He slowly brought his right hand up and into view, trembling as if all his nerves were vibrating. The cuff that typically went with his suit was gone and the skin up his right arm was horribly maimed by what he could only guess was fire.


Where did all of the fire come from? Surely he wouldn't make the brash decision to roast himself like a pig?

The next sense to strike him was his hearing, no longer muffled and drowned to the back of his mind. No, it was all too loud now. He could hear the taunting crackle of that damn fire and someone was.. Shouting. Why were they yelling? Were they yelling at him? Oh... It wasn't just someone , it seemed multiple people were yelling. Like a goddamn chorus drumming through his skull.

His vision came back slower, not so dark but all the more blurred and fuzzy. The world his eyes opened up to was shattered, drowned in black fog with the smallest of blue flames flickering around him. Buildings and structures broken around him, whirring of electrical wires and the creaking of unstable support beams taunted him nearby.

His mind roared with flashing memories of blue eyes, blue flames, fire.. fire... hurt.. god, it all burned... blue... blue fire... hot... everything's burning eveythinhd burningburning. so hot. help me. help. hElp. save them. breathe. why can'tibreathe? so tight. bROther. brother? spare mE broth--

Dabi .

Dabi? Who's Dabi and why did that name feel so sickeningly familiar to him?





"I have such a great name. Call me Touya ."


It was all rushing back to him, strangling him with metaphoric purple hands full of anguish and hatred.

His hands were next to crash down to the ground, stopping himself from completely face planting into the hard cement. Within the haziness of his vision, he watched stringy blood dripping between his spread hands. He was distantly aware of the fact he was drooling watery blood from his presumably parted lips.

He heard the cackling of some sort of demented laughter coming from above him, it got closer until he could see thick black boots approaching him.

"Did you see daddy's face, baby brother?" That same voice sneered at him before a black boot rushed too quickly towards his face.

Pain exploded throughout the entirety of his face, his world tilted on its axis, and darkness threatened to take over once more. He caught a glimpse of those same boots walking off to the left before similar pain exploded against his rib cage.

"you reap what you sow" - BNHA OneShotWhere stories live. Discover now