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' welcome back to seabeook where belonging is everything we're a strong united and tight-knit community and that's a god thing 'cause it wasn't always this way there was a time when we had to protect ourselves legend has it that when the first settlers came to seabrook they found wild beasts with sharp claws lurking in the forest , which spark an epic battle seabrook settlers bravely fought off the monstrous attack and discovered a powerful energy source realizing they discovered a precious resource they safeguarded it from the beasts they weren't going to let anyone steal there treasure so they hid it and the town prospered and grew rich by harnessing the precious energy source seabrook benefits greatly as it grew strong happy and unified 
the beasts were a distant memory seabrook forgot monsters could be real until clearly they were a little like soda mixed with a dash of industrial strength seabrook energy... - AND BOOM zombies were created '

Your Pov:

as i was playing around with zoey. zed came out from the ground and started growling and scaring the kids while i laughed.

zed:" hey , i'm zed and this is y/n addison sister and yup i'm still a zombie " he said while i picked up zoey and put her in my waist.

zed:" for zombies in seabrook things are changing everyday is better than the last " he said while i was running and dropped zoey down and began to walk.

y/n:" seabrook is getting rid of all of its old anti-monsters laws , so now zombietown is open to everyone " i said while zoey started to run.

zoey:" come on!" she said while running.

y/n:" wait zoey no wait for us!" i said while me and zed was running to catch up to zoey as we started to walk i noticed coach.

coach:" hey , hey!" he said happy.

zed:" what's up coach?" he said happy while i picked up zoey.

coach:" oh, football off-season has been good to me zed , invested in a fro-yo cart little side hustle gonna go global gonna buy a car get some dress shirts , go on vacation without my great aunt edna " he said while i smiled at his happiness.

coach:" though she loves swimwear weather you know i might just bring her along " he said while i asked zoey.

y/n:" zoey ask him what you want " i said while she nodded.

zoey:" cauliflower brains mocha crunch please " she asked him.

coach:" you got it " he said while smiling.

zed:" seabrook has way more flavors than just vanilla now , n/n what do you want? " he asked me.

y/n:" vanilla " i said to him.

zed:" we will take a vanilla coach " he said while zoey look at us weird.

y/n:" what? we like vanilla " i said while getting my fro-yo and started to walk.

y/n:" in a couple of days we're even tearing down old seabrook power to build a new cheer pavilion " i said while throwing away my fro-yo.

zed:" and not to take too much credit for all the positive changes , but yeah i did good " he said walking backwards.

y/n:" it's sometimes hard to believe there was a time when people were afraid of zombies " i said while putting my arm around him and walking to his dad job.

zed:" hey dad " he said to him.

zevon:" hey y/n and hey son" he said while i waved at him.

zevon:" first day as foreman of the demo crew big day for zombie - kind " he said while i smiled at his happiness also.

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