Jungkook pouted hearing his name getting added for no particular reason when he didn't even do anything.

"Nevermind, i came here because i urgently wanted to talk about something to your secretary ,so can I borrow him for sometime if you both don't have any problem." Asked the younger.

"Yeah ,take him with you ,we are done with today's work afterall ,if you don't take him with you ,he's gonna overwork himself anyway. Stupid rabbit." Soohyun fake glared at the long haired man who just looked down a bit embarassed.

"Okay jungkook shi ,please follow me if you don't have any problem."taehyung said and Walked about waiting for the older to follow him as well.

After they both reached the parking lot ,taehyung said "it's getting late anyways ,let's go talk over dinner or we can just get it packed or any thing." And walked into his car and stopped when he noticed that the older didn't come and sat in his car instead he took out his own car following after his. If he has to admit ,taehyung would definitely say that he was dissappointed my a simple thing such as not sharing the same car with his fiance and he honestly didn't know why he was feeling like that.

After they reached the restaurant which neither looked very simple not very extravangant . They sat on a table and say opposite each other just like the other day in cafeteria.

After a while ,a waiter came and asked their orders ,taehyung decided to eat here and asked to pack one to go for his father and jungkook also asked for one to go as he wasnt used to eat out and wasn't really hungry at the moment ,so he just ordered a shake for himself .

After the waiter left ,taehyung decided to ask the questions while the food arrives. he started ,"so jungkook shi ,you might know that i didn't invite you here for chit chat or anything ,rather i have some important questions i wanna ask and i expect you to answer them honestly as we are gonna get married soon ,so i atleast deserve to know the answers."

Jungkook hummed ,he was a bit tensed though because younger sounded very serious and his deep voice was very intimidating. "You can ask my anything ,i will try my best to answer you,Taehyung."

"Right ,so firstly are you a special male jungkook shi ,as in a fertile male?"taehyung asked very seriously leaning on the table a bit ,and honestly it felt like he's being interrogated by an officer or something.

Jungkook hummed a reply "yes ,i am ,taehyung." He was actually caught off guard hearing that question ,he didn't really expect that question out of nowhere and wanted to ask from where did he get to know that ,but he decided to keep it for later after he answers all his questions.

"Hmm ,so you actually are a special male indeed ,don't you think i atleast had the right to know that as your future husband ,jungkook shi. If i didn't ask ,did you actually plan to tell this to me ?" Taehyung asked furrowing his eyebrows a little.

"Umm yes you did deserve to know that ,and i am sorry for not telling you but now you know it ,right so leave it be. And i didn't think it meant much since as you said ' no touching each other' in your conditions for the marriage ,so not like i was gonna get pregnant or anything." Jungkook replied with a straight face.

"Okay fair enough . Next question ,did you ever teach at yongsan high school in seoul before?" Now that came Outta nowhere leaving jungkoon baffled because why was he suddenly asked these random questions but he replied nonetheless.

"Yess i have ,i teacher for around 2 months only though around 4 years ago i guess." Taehyung hummed .so jimin was actually right after all. He proceeded to ask his next question .

"Have you been married before ,jungkook shi. You have to be honest with me ."

Jungkook was very shocked to hear that question and he tensed a bit. This is one of the topics he likes to avoid the most ,he absolutely hates talking about it ,it has been 3 years since he heard about his 1st marriage. And honestly ,only thinking about it making his breathing go fast and making him panic . He doesn't want to think about it and he thought he was doing a good job at that from last 2 years but just hearing about it is making him like this ,seems like it wasn't enough.

He still had to answer him tho ,he held the bracelet wrapped around his wrist in a tight hold to calm himself down a bit and took subtle deep breaths which weren't so noticeable enough for the other.

He tried his best to answer without stuttering ,"ye.... Yes taehyung ,but i got div- divorce around 3 and a half years ago." He said looking at anywhere other than his fiance.

"Oh ,okayy." Taehyung wanted to ask why did they get divorced but it seemed like the older wasn't ready to answer that yet as he looked so tense just hearing one question. So he just decided to ask one last question before letting it go.but before he could ask ,jungkook spoke first ..

"Taehyung , if you don't mind ,can i go out for a bit ,i need fresh air right now ."

"Sure ,you can go anywhere jungkook shi just answer my one last question please ,i have been waiting to ask this from you since yesterday." Taehyung blurted. Jungkook just gave a nod asking him to continue while leaning back on the seat. He wasn't feeling so well now.

"Were you pregnant because what you had to leave the school or was it any other reason?and if you had ,then where are ?" Taehyung throwed the question in like he just didn't ask that.

Jungkook felt tears prickling his eyes and he was scared that if he stayed here for some more time ,he would actually cry which he hasn't done in like last 2 and a half years and didn't want to anymore either.

He didn't think he would be able to reply ,he felt like his voice got stuck in his throat and like he was almost hyperventilating , he didnt think he was able to breath for a while ,he held on his bracelet the only sort of comfort he had at the moment and what always seemed to calm him down.

Just as his breathing got a bit steady ,he got up from his seat and said in a very low voice ,just what his throat let out " i m sorry taehyung ssi ,i will definitely answer these question of yours too but i really need to go right now ,i m sorry ." He bowed a bit and left ,but before going out ,he picked his take out box and paid for them all before leaving.

As soon as he reached his car ,he hurriedly unlocked it and got inside the driver seat ,fully leaning back ,he placed the food on the passenger seat beside him. He pressed the bottom of his eyes a bit not with much pressure to stop the tears from escaping,because no matter what he can't cry ,just no ,not again.

He took out a cigeratte from his pocket and lit it placing it between his small lips taking a puff to calm down completely. He did after a few minutes .

He patted his own chest ,"it's okay ,i am okay ,you are okay." He told himself.

After extinguishing the ciggerate,he drove off and left to his boring lonely apartment.

As he reached there , he showered and changed into the same comfortable colorless clothes , had his dinner he bought , lit one more cigeratte and 2 glasses of whiskey and laid down but he couldn't sleep after what happened today so he just laid there overthinking and regretting life decisions.

As a result ,next day he had big dark circles under his eyes ,he had to put make up to hide them and he was very tired as well but he got through the day somehow.


This was it for this chapter.

Thanks for reading.

Not proofread .if there are any typos, please do tell.

Till next time.....~

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