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I awake to a horrible headache, groaning and clutching my blankets tight. Last night I kept tossing and turning. I couldn't sleep well, my stomach hurt, and no amount of blankets helped my shivers. 

I heard the town square bustling early in the morning. All I wanted more than ever was to stay in bed all day and do nothing. I desperately needed rest.

"Mija, dear! are you up yet?" My mom called out. I grumbled under the sheets, not having enough energy to reply back to her properly. I ignored the continuous calls of my name and thought about this terrible feeling, was I sick? it sure felt like it. 

Sure enough, mother burst through the door, "Y/n, I've called you almost 20 times, why aren't you out of bed?" mother sighed, irritated.

She stepped towards the windows and opened the curtains. I groaned at the bright sunlight, my head aching even more. My mother tilted her head confused at the reaction, "Y/n dear? are you okay?" she asked concerned.

The answer was definitely no, I wanted to stay in bed. I shook my head and mumbled under the covers. She placed her hand on my cheek then my forehead, her expression immediately switched to a worried one.

"mm.." I quietly moaned. "You're incredibly sick, dear" My mother stated. I sneezed, and it followed with a groan. Mom exhaled, "Don't worry, you can rest for today. I'll ask Julieta to find you a remedy." Mom asserted, I nodded and rested my aching head on the pillow. 

"Mi amoooor!" I hear a familiar voice call out from my window, it was Camilo, your boyfriend. A happy and cheery Camilo climbed up into my room. I slowly sat up to greet him, swaying as I did so.

"Hey.. milo" I mumbled to him, my voice barely coming out of my sore throat. Camilo's soft smile turned into a concerned frown. He could tell you didn't feel well.

Camilo's POV

I look at what seems to be a very tired and pale Y/n, she didn't look like herself. I slowly make my way to her side and rest a hand on her shoulder. "Amor.. you alright?",

"Yeah.. yeah I'm okay I just-- achoo!!" she interrupted herself by sneezing, "I'm just.." she sniffled between her words, "a teeny tiny bit.. sick and-" 

"Y/n, you're burning up," I said worriedly, moving my hand from her forehead to her cheeks. "I know.." she mumbled sadly, "You need to leave, I don't want you to.. to- Achoo!!" Y/n sneezed again, sniffling, "to get sick."

Nobody's POV

"No, I want to stay with you," Camilo drawled softly next to you, lightly stroking your hair. "I'll take care of you.. so that you can get better" He sympathetically looked at you, thinking of what he could do to help you.

As much as you'd like the idea of him staying to help you, you didn't want to. You didn't want him to be so tired and ill, just like you were, "Camilo.. no..it's fine I'll just rest." 

Camilo sighed and gently placed your head on his chest, brushing your hair from your face with his hand. You couldn't negotiate further, because you had no energy to do so and you were in his warmth. You settled yourself in his embrace and nuzzled your head on his chest.

He carefully readjusted himself, gently stroking your hair and humming your favorite song. You tried your hardest not to drift off, but before long your eyelids felt heavy and your eyes fluttered shut. You let your body get the sleep it was so desperate for.

Camilo watches you slowly fall asleep in his arms, hearing your breathing even out, soft snores coming from you. He eventually did the same,  a couple of hours later, the two of you still comfortably laid asleep together.

 Your mother was back, and she had the magical arepas that could heal you, "Mija I'm back, I have the medicine for you dear." your mother calls out again. She stepped into your room, "Oh.. how sweet,"

she carefully puts the arepas on a small table, and clasps her hands together, smiling at the sight of you with Camilo, "These two will one day get married," she quietly laughs to herself, feeling full of sunshine, and leaves your room, careful not to disturb the comfortable silence and quiet.

ty for reading!<3

published: March 19

Camilo Madrigal Imagines 🦋💗Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora