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                                  Requested by: Skykkyyyy12348763

Nobody's POV

It was the night of Antonio's ceremony. Camilo was next to the table of food, watching you from afar. He watched as another boy was beside you making you smile, probably telling bad jokes, and he absolutely hated it.

He hated how he was forced to stay away from you, all because of the rumors spread about you. He hated how that random boy was there next to you instead of him. But mostly, he hated how it made him feel. He never felt this jealous before.

You didn't want to avoid Camilo. You never would have, But because of his Abuela, and the rumors, it didn't leave you much choice.

Camilo was next to the table of food, with an arepa that he was slowly munching on. He glared at the boy next to you. Meanwhile, you nodded and gave the fakest smile you could give.

The boy who was with you told boring stories and kept going on about himself, you just wanted to leave, but you didn't want to be rude so you just stayed and "laughed" at his jokes.

You kept stealing glances at Camilo here and there, as the boy muttered to himself. Camilo watched it all unfold, he sighed and glanced away, silently wishing it was him next to you instead.

The boy finally stopped talking, and followed your gaze. "was that Madrigal dude staring at us again?" he said, an annoyed tone in his voice as he raised a brow, you shrugged and looked away.

The boy then rolled his eyes and held your hand,

"Hey listen.. cutie," he muttered, making you widen your eyes and cringe, "let's get out of here" he blinked and stupidly smirked, as he held both of your hands in his. 

oh no. ew.. you thought to yourself, trying to hold back the disgust and unamusement in your eyes. "U-uhm no, thank you.." you stammered nervously, and quickly pulled your hands away. You turned away from him and looked back at Camilo, who stood there in a jealous temper.

The boy then scoffed, making you turn to face him, "What do you mean no?", he abruptly grumbled crossing his arms, you cleared your throat and looked around anxiously, "excuse me, I have to be um.. somewhere." you gulped as you slowly strutted away from the boy.

he then grabbed you by your arm, rather roughly, making you flinch, "No! I know you're lying," he spat at you, tightening his grip on your arm. Everyone's attention turned to you. Out of nowhere, Camilo suddenly barged into the situation, pushing the guy away from you.

"What the hell man-!" The guy flared, stumbling. Almost tripping from the strong push.

"What do you think you're doing? she doesn't want you near her, so stay away" he snapped at him with a stern face. Camilo gave the boy a spine-chilling glare, their faces close. The boy slowly backed away, you could tell he felt very intimidated. 

But they didn't break eye contact. People around started whispering,

"Oh my god.. just look at what she does," you heard a girl whisper close to the other girl's ear, "I know! she is such a disgrace. I hate her" the girls murmured. You were used to the gossip, but It still made you feel sick. You brought your arms to your chest, and looked down, just wanting to disappear.

Camilo noticed, he shielded you with his body, and turned his head to you,

"You okay.?" he asked softly, his dreamy eyes gazing into mine, I nodded my head and looked away, a blush forming on my face. You missed his voice, his beautiful eyes, and just him in general.

The boy who Camilo pushed harshly, furrowed his eyebrows, and huffed, "Okay,, just keep it down will you? I wasn't even gonna do anything.. stupid shapeshifter" he insulted under his breath. Camilo stared at him with a deadpanned face, unamused. he just waited for him to leave.

He then clicked his tongue and strutted away in irritation. Soon everyone went back to normal. Camilo gave you a quick glance, "Can we talk?" He quietly whispered.

you nodded and before you could say anything, Camilo gently grabbed your wrist and led you out through the crowds in the massive main room of the house, where everyone was gathered.

a few moments later, you two reached a hill, a bit far from the ceremony. There wasn't anyone in sight and not much noise was heard, just the muffled music coming from the ceremony. The sky was filled with bright stars. He kneeled down and sat, resting on the soft grass.

you followed and sat next to him. You could tell he felt uneasy and a little tense, "You okay, Milo?",

a sigh left his lips, "Listen Y/n..", he locked eyes with you for a bit, "I have a lot to explain.." Camilo lowered his head, a silence filled the space.

"You don't have to say anything," You softly assured. His head slowly perked up, a soft wind blew through his curls, "I know you had to do what your family asked you to do, I understand, it's okay." you murmured quietly.

a smile slowly appeared on his face, making you chuckle. A sigh of relief escaped his lips, "Thank you.. really." He spoke tenderly, "I missed you so much.." 

You leaned in and rested your head on his shoulders, 

"Me too.." you replied back, both of you enjoying each other's company, as you watched the beautiful stars with him.

ty for reading! <3

published: March 18

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