"Good, everyone is here." Kris speaks up, Taemin didn't notice him earlier, where did he came from? Tsk. Vampire tricks.

             No one speaks, he is getting nervous as seconds past. This meeting seems pretty serious base on the looks on everyone's faces. They are all blank, they look like manikins and it's starting to freak Taemin out. But Kris speaks up again before he can scream and run out. He feel so out of place.

             "The research is now done." He can see in the corner of his eyes that Kai sits up, looking even more serious. "It's a very new thing and very interesting. I didn't know it can really happen—" A voice interrupted him, "Just say what it is." Kai's annoyed voice echoes in the room. Kris cleared his throat and continues. "Right, well it seems like you got yourself as soulmate Kai." The room was silent. No one moved, all of them seems shock for a while, until...

         "What?! Soulmate? Last time I checked you guys don't even have souls! How can you even have soulmates?! And I thought you aren't capable of love or whatever sappy thing that is!" Taemin was shouting hysterically at Kris who only watches him calmly. "Yes, yes. That is what I thought before. But it seems that we got it all wrong. And about the soulless thing, we do have souls that's why we are alive. Our souls are stuck here in our body forever."

          "That's still not an explanation! This is all wrong!" Taemin shook his head as he collapse back down on his seat, feeling weak and dizzy. "Please tell me this is a joke." He heard a deep voice speak, he seems in a trance. "No Kai, I'm serious and it's hundred percent true." Kris answered.

           "Wow." Baekhyun gasp, it seems like it only sinks in him just now. It's probably a record seeing that it's the first time the latter turns speechless. Sehun remains silent but he seems to be thinking, same as Tao.

          Taemin looks up at Kris, defeated. "What should we do now?" Kris shook his head, "That's for Kai to decide, if he wants to keep you or not." "If he keep me?" "Then you'll stay here." "If not?" Taemin bites his lower lip. "Then we have to kill you." Taemin's eyes grow large, "What?!"

          "I don't want to keep him." He heard Kai speak and he look at him, his mouth agape. "Kai, we shouldn't make rush decisions." Kris countered."You said I'm the one to decide, I decided that I don't want to keep a bitchy kitty that would just probably be a problem." Kai looks at Taemin pointedly making the human shiver.

         "We should atleast try first." Kris suggest. "No! I don't want him!" Taemin recovered from his own shock as he heard those words left Kai's lips, feeling hurt and angry at the same time. "And I don't want you too! You're a heartless beast!" Everyone looks at him with wide eyes, Baekhyun laughs, enjoying the scene.

             "Tsk, see? He's a bitch." Kai whines at Kris. "Who wouldn't be a bitch if your such a dick?!" Taemin countered and Baekhyun laughs loudly now. Sehun surprisingly chuckles with Tao giggling. Kai stared at him wide eyed and then glared, hissing. Kris pinches the bridge of his nose and everyone stops their laughter. Tao stands up seeing the older vampire having a headache, concern on his face but Kris just shook his head at him before the vamp can even walk over to him. He then turns his attention back to the two bickering soulmates. "This meeting is done. You'll try to get a long with him, Kai and that's an order." Kai makes a high pitch sounds in his throat like a kid and Taemin stuck his tongue at the vampire. "You too, human. Don't give him a hard time or your life will end much sooner." Kai smirk as the scared look flashes on Taemin's face. The human nods. Then everyone was dismissed after saying more other orders like Baekhyun no longer needs to bring Taemin's food and other necessities, Kai will do it all. Kai should be with Taemin all the time, causing another groan from the vampire. Then Kris took his leave.

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