Chapter 1: Halloween

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* 3 Years Later *

- Cas' POV -

"We need to decide what you four are going to be for Halloween! It's in five days."

Everyone starts shouting their ideas, but Dean speaks out over everybody; "So we have this family friend. His name is Bobby, and he's basically our dad since ours is... Anyway, him and his wife Ellen have a nine year old daughter named Jo. Ellen and Bobby are going out on Halloween, so they were wondering if Jo could trick-or-treat with us. Could she?"

"Of course! Does she have a costume, or should I go with her to get one?" Mom asks sweetly.

"Uh... Yeah. I think she's gonna be a cowgirl."

"Ok! Have her come over at 6 PM on Halloween, all of you can sleep over, and if Jo wants to she can. Gladly, Halloween is a Friday, so you don't have to go to bed too early. Luci will come with you, since he is 11. Be careful, and be back by at least 10 PM."

"But mooooooommmmmmm!! Can't we please go by ourselves? Dean and Cas are eight, isn't that old enough?! There will be tons of kids out anyways!" Gabe complains.

"Ugh, fine. I may as well just give up arguing with you now. No one will ever win. Just be SUPER careful and only go on this block. And DON'T go into that abandoned house. Got it?" Mom says with a tired sigh. We all nod absentmindedly, stowing the information away for Friday. "Okay, costumes!"

Gabe's ears perk up, and he instantly shouts "I WANNA BE A LOLLIPOP!!!!!! Then I can eat myself..." The last part he just kind of mumbles, showing off how little he has matured in three years.

"I... I want to be an angel..." I say quietly.

"Like the ones with with white fluffy wings and a halo?" Dean questions.

"Well... Not exactly. I kind of think angels are misunderstood creatures, living in a corrupt community. I believe that they all have bosses, and being an angel is basically a full time job, so I would assume they wear suits and definitely not a halo. Can I have a suit, black wings and a really big tan trench coat for my costume?" I explain nervously.

"Sure? Just try not to talk to Chuck about your... Angel beliefs. I'm sure he would be supportive, but... You know how he is about his religion!" My mom intervenes with a soft chuckle.

"Okay. Sam, what are you going to be?" I respond.

"Sam should be a moose! He's getting tall already, and it's his favorite animal, right Sammy?" Dean pushes.

"Ummmm... I guess, sure. Dean, what will you be?" Sam says shakily.

"You'll see on Halloween..." Dean replies mischievously, a smirk playing on his face.


~Halloween Night, 5 PM~

-Sam's POV-

Everyone is already in their costumes except Dean, who we haven't seen all day. I guess he's been getting ready, but he's most likely just been goofing off with Chuck at the store. Suddenly, Dean bursts through the doorway to the Novak household, fully dressed in costume.

"I'M BATMANNN!!!!" He exclaims. I should have guessed. Of course he would dress as his favorite superhero, he's Dean. Really though, his costume is really cool, complete with a Batman themed candy bag. Dean looks excited, probably because I'm smiling and nodding my head. Does he really care that much about my approval? Hmmm, maybe it's just because Cas has been staring at him ever since he arrived. Does he not like the costume? Is something up? I'll ask him later...

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