Her cries

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When school ends Hauhi went to the club room to see who was there but only tamaki was but who was I front of him "senpai"haruhi said worried tamaki look behind him to see Hauhi and then Hauhi seen who was in front of him, a blond girl Hauhi started to cry then she turned around a ran out of the club room.while she was running the twins seen her crying, back in the club room tamaki was shock to know that his girlfriend just seen him cheating on her.The twins ran back to the club room and seen what Hauhi seen "BOSS ISNT HARUHI YOUR GIRLFRIEND!"both of the twins said "yes she is...."tamaki said while looking sad.Haruhi ended up out side behind the school so she stopped running and sat behind the school hugging her knees and hiding her face in them crying.The twins ran after to find haruhi but no luck the twins splited up to find her the hikariu found Hauhi "haruhi"hikariu said while sitting next to her hikarius brother ran over "you found her" sure did"the twins were not together again but Hauhi didn't care if anyone found her because she knew something no one else did.....

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