The truth

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After school haruhi went home and her dad wasn't there so she decided to make dinner herself so it would be ready when her dad got home.While haruhi was cooking her phone went off and she answered her phone "hello?" Haruhi said to the person on the other phone "this is tamaki" haruhi was shock that he called her after school while at the host club "something wrong senpai?"haruhi said of course she still called him senpai "do you mind if I come over after the club I have to talk to you"tamaki said to haruhi "sure senpai"haruhi was a little worried about this.After the club tamaki knock on haruhis door "coming"haruhi said while walking to the door and opened it "h-hi haruhi"tamaki said to haruhi while blushing he walk inside the house and sat down in the dining room "what did you need to tal." Haruhi was surprised of what tamaki did.Tamkai kiss her for a split second then he pulled away "h-haruhi I would like you to be my girlfriend"tamaki said while looking at haruhi"s lips that he kiss "um sure senpai"haruhi said while blushing and looking at her senpai.The next day at school haruhi seen tamaki talking to honey-senpai, honey-senpai seen haruhi "HARU-CHAN"honey-senpai said while running at haruhi with open arms "NOOO I WANT A HUG FROM HER!!"Tamkai yelled while running after honey-senpai "uh-oh"haruhi said then BOOM she fell with two boys on her hugging her "GET OFF OF HER YOU TWO PERVS"the twins said while running at the same speed as each other then another huge BOOM happened now haruhi had four boys on her "GET OFF YOU PERVS!!"Haruhi yelled then Mori walk by not seeing it "MORI-SENPAI HELP!"Mori heard her scream then he ran over pick her up and put her behind him "no one is getting a hug got it"moir-senpai said while haruhi is behind him.

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