How Does It End...?

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Mirabel and Ian have a talk about her "bedtime story" and her self esteem while on the ship.

Mirabel arrives in Puerto Rico, and luckily for her, finds something to start as the new Mirabel.


Hey everyone! Hey, you wanna know why this chapter took so long to update? Because I fucking lost it! My laptop updated without my knowledge like two nights ago and I lost this chapter and half of the chapter after! Let me let you... I was fucking livid because I lost so many really really good lines! And I had to start from scratch. I fucking hate that!

So yeah... I had to restart. I'm sorry for taking so long because of my bitch ass laptop and browser updating. Sorry, sorry. Enjoy regardless.

(Also, please let me know if you see any errors in this chapter! I'd appreciate it!)

Chapter Text

"Mirabel... hey... Mirabel. Wake up."

With the gentle shake of her shoulder, Mirabel was slowly pulled from her sleep. And unlike last time, it was dreamless. Just the sweet and calm feeling of rest washed over her instead of seeing her old home and hearing the voices of her loved ones sneer. She looked up, seeing her vision blurry and things unclear. But a familiar teal was in her line of vision. Ian. The young captain chuckled, reaching forward and handing her her glasses. Mirabel thanked him in Spanish, placing them on her nose. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." he said, holding out a hand to help her stand. "Sleep well?"

"Actually, yeah." she said, which was surprising has sleeping on old and damp wood would probably be uncomfortable for anyone else.

"Sorry to ruin that good sleep. But we're about to make a turn towards Puerto Rico and I didn't want to run the risk of you falling over and... drowning." he said, scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh. It's fine. Thank you." she said, following Ian away from the edge of the ship and it's railing. They walked to the center of the boat, where the main sail was held up and leaned against it's pillar as they sat. "I don't want to keep you from your job."

"It's fine. Being a captain has it's perks."

"Like what... all the... the ale you can drink?"

"How old do you think I am?"

"Old enough to be a captain?"

He chuckled. "First of all, that ale thing is just a story. And those are for pirates not travelling ship captains. And I'm not old enough to even sip. In fact, I don't even know how old you are."

"I don't know how old you are either. How about we play a little game then. I'll ask you three questions. You ask me three questions." Mirabel said with a smile. "Whenever the kids got together, we played this game to get to know each other."

"Interesting game. Okay, let's play." Ian said with a smile.

"Okay." Mirabel said, holding up three fingers. Ian followed suit, not wanting to mess it up. "Ian, how old are you?"

"I just turned sixteen last week." he said, seeing Mirabel push down one of her fingers. "Mirabel, how old are you?"

"I'm fifteen. My birthday isn't until the summer." she said.

"Well, happy early birthday. Even if it isn't for months." he said with a grin, putting down one finger himself. "Am I doing this right?"

"Yes, you're doing great."

"Okay. Your turn?"

"Yeah. Okay... Ian, what is your favorite food?"

"Easy. Chicharrón. Next time you visit, I'll force my mom to make it." he said with a laugh as Mirabel pushed down one finger. "Okay. My turn. Mirabel, can you tell me how your bedtime story ends?"

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