Had It All

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She was Mirabel Madrigal. The youngest in the family for one moment in time. The adorable girl with chubby little cheeks and a love for the color blue. She would happily babble to her mama and papa growing up. A smile always on her face and her glasses perched perfectly on that little button nose. Her parents adored her. Her sisters always played and spoke to her, teaching her English and Spanish and complimenting her attempts at the language. Her Tia and Tio would welcome her with open arms and a smile high to the sky as she was playing in the sunshine her Tia Pepa always made with that stunning smile. Her cousins were sweet, Camilo always managing to make her laugh with their shapeshifting and Dolores whispering jokes. Her Tio Bruno, even though she barely saw him, was so kind. His little jokes and nicknames were always fun and he told her made-up stories before their family dinner. And Abuela. Sweet Abuela. Mirabel was sure for a while that she was the light in her grandmother's life, just as much as she was hers. The older women looked at her as if her skin was made of gold and that at any moment she would break. She cared for her so much, that it almost hurt. Mirabel loved her. She loved all of them. And they loved her back. Everyone was so excited for her. They wanted their precious little princess to get her gift. They wished for her to help them and then see what she could do. There was talk on what she would get. Luisa thought that it would be something with sight, like she could see for far and help people find lost items. Tia Pepa thought that the happy little girl would be able to fly with how much jumping she did. Whatever she got, Abuela said that she would be happy for the little Madrigal. Because she was apart of a legacy. That soon, she would help the community like her mom and sisters did. That her smile would be known throughout the Encanto.

That is... until that day came. Her birthday came and Mirabel was excited for her gift. Isabela couldn't stop placing flowers in her hair. Luisa couldn't stop her bone-crushing hugs. Her mother couldn't stop cooking. While Abuela looked on with pride. Excited for her gift to show. But when Mirabel's hand touched the golden door... nothing happened. It went away. Gone. The poor young girl looked up at her grandmother so confused. Why her? Why was this happening? Why didn't she get her gift? Her Abuela could only stare at her. Just looking on at her. From that day on, it was almost as if her life had changed and she was no longer that happy girl. Abuela always had something else to do than talk or play with Mirabel. Luisa went off to help the town every day and night. Pepa and Felix? They kept their distance. It was like Mirabel had completely changed. The young girl was so confused. She was still here! The same Mirabel! A Madrigal! The one that they all adored so long ago. Mirabel from that day on wasn't her anymore. As the years went by and the young girl blossomed into a beautiful young lady, it had become apparent that no one in their magical home says her as anything anymore. Her sisters were always away or ignoring her. Isabela had become primarily rude to her. The lavender-clad beauty always had a snide remark to her, rolling her eyes or pushing her plates and books from her hands. Dolores, even though she was sweet and kind, kept her distance. Always finding something else to do than speak with Mirabel. But always hearing someone ask about Mirabel's gift and telling them the truth. Camilo stopped making her laugh. Though he was always around, the shapeshifter waved and nodded. Tio Bruno? Gone. He just up and left a week after her gift was never given. Antonio was the only one happy with the presence. The toddler always dancing with her. But it was just him. Once he had gone to be pampered with the same love that Mirabel once thought was unconditional, she was alone. Behind the faded teal door of the nursery that she never moved out of.

The giftless Madrigal that no one cared to check on except her parents. And even then, it wasn't much. Abuela always stepped in. "She'll be fine mi hija. She's fine. Mirabel is always fine."

But she wasn't. She never was. Behind that door she was small. Hidden in the shadows as the tears dripped from her eyes. No one saw her. No one was there for her. Mirabel was the shadow underneath of her perfect and wonderful family. As the years had gone by, the tears had stopped and the optimism has stopped. Her hope that one day, her sisters would change and her Abuela would smile at her and hug her like she always did. The day would never come.

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